Will Your Relationship Survive True Love Tests

By Edna Booker

Being in a relationship can be difficult without people trying to put you through different true love tests. Many people are not secure with who they are so they will try to make you jump through loops to be with them. So, it is important to know who you are so that you can remove yourself from unhealthy situations.

So, they start with the friend testing. They want to see how well you can get along with their friends. Why do you need to be compatible with their friends when you barely know if you are a good match with them? Some friends of the significant other you will never get along with and then there are some who just might try to fake as if they like you.

No one wants to go through a lot of changes just to be with someone who just might not be the one for them anyway. However, there are things that people do just to seek if a person is good in bed. If you do not pass some of these challenges you should know that you will probably not make it far in the relationship, dating process.

These different changes can actually pull people away from one another as oppose to bringing them together. Believe it or not there are things that people do to see if their partner is sexually compatible. One way guys test to see if a woman is sexually compatible is by looking into her eyes.

If you are afraid of truly being yourself around your significant other you might have a bigger problem. There is no need to be in a relationship if you cannot feel relaxed around them. You want someone who lifts you up instead of making you feel down. Life is difficult enough without having someone to make it worst.

You might perform sexual acts on your partner at their request but they never reciprocate. Your relationship then may seem a bit one-sided. However, it could be that your partner is a selfish lover or the person might be trying to push you away.

So, what do you do if your situation just feels as if you are always dating and never in a relationship? You might think you are in serious commitment with the person but they do not treat you that way. Most people do not realize that if a person is meant for them it will be. If the person wants to go and be with someone else then most likely they was not for to be with them in the first place.

Regardless of the situation that you are in with another person. All you want is to be loved and respected. If someone is sending you through ups and downs then the so called relationship just might not be worth all the added stress. The thing is do not wait to get out the situation, at the first sign that things are not the way it should be, it is best to go ahead and move on quickly.

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