Steps To Ending Codependency In People Relationships

By Ruthie Calderon

A person may have grown up inter-reliant. This may center upon the influence of a narcissistic or alcoholic parent. It may have led to a string of narcissistic relationships that form later in life. Such a persons identity evolves through who they are to others and what they can give them. These points to a person living a life of codependency. To help a person get out of this rut, a number of steps need taking. These would help the person dig down and reveal their beautiful, authentic and true self.

Take the first step by creating a relationship with yourself. Julia Roberts has a part in (Runaway Bride) where in one scene she makes a major decision. She will never again let her former partners choose her eggs for her. She will henceforth choose what she likes. You need to focus on your likes, dislikes and preferences. You need to discover everything regarding what gives you happiness or unhappiness. Take time to discover healthy ways to cope or deal with things that give you unhappiness.

It is crucial that we establish personal boundaries. The importance in this lies in enabling us to stop people pleasing. Fundamental personal boundaries forms include learning how to say no and precisely where to draw the line. A superb example is refusing to allow someone convince us to perform an act we do not wish. This is irrespective of this person manipulating us using negative comments. Our relationships will improve once we enforce our boundaries this way.

It is vital that you listen and trust your intuition and feelings. You need to observe strictly, what are your exact feelings and thoughts. You have to remind yourself that you are allowed to arrive at your personal opinions and make your own judgements.

We have to honor our needs and intentions as a matter of importance. We co-dependent people have a tendency to make decisions not for our own betterment but concerning other peoples needs. This means we fear uttering any word. In this instance, we need to question our intentions for our actions and words. This means we must understand our ideas and motives as opposed to letting other people define them for us. It helps us as we develop confidence and self-respect making it much easier for us to communicate our needs to everyone.

Creating a positive space is an important step. This is through realizing the difference between owning other peoples problems and giving such people support. This realization is the beginning of the creation of ones own positive space. It helps identify boundaries where other peoples end and others begin.

Finally, people need to commit themselves to lifting their personal self-confidence and self-esteem. To get out of a co-dependent relationship will take time and commitment. The more a human knows who they are and what they want, the less they will let things upset them. It could mean a year making mistakes. Another year discovering and learning from them. A third year could be dedicated to practicing self-love while a forth could mean acceptance, awareness and solidification of the inside loving kindness.

Ultimately, we are responsible for our own happiness. What we create in ourselves is later artfully transferable to others. In our dynamic and vibrant world, loving ourselves makes all of us stronger.

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