Spiritual Experiences With God Can Be Great

By Bernadette Martin

So many people within this world are afraid of death and illnesses which happen to everyone around. This is why quite a few human beings like to have spiritual experiences with God. This will bring them closer to their creator and ensure them that they will finally have a place within heaven after death.

A young woman living on the west coast thought that she would never be able to find true happiness since her life was filled with sorrow and pain. She had discovered that many men were truly dogs and they only wanted to do sexual things to her. All of her past explicit encounters were quite horrible.

During college she had dated many of the professors and male students who had wives and girlfriends on the side. This went on until the end of 1999 when she discovered a hot young male who had black wavy hair and gorgeous eyes. She knew that he would be able to satisfy her in every possible way and this was truly a good thing.

In no time at all this curious gal walked over to this stud of a man and made her introductions. He was in great physical form and therefore she decided to talk about exercising and weight training with him.

They became quick friends and even quicker lovers in no time at all. After a few months this woman admitted her true feelings for him but he immediately rejected her. She had always thought that he was a playboy who probably had women scattered all across the United States. In the end she was correct to think this way since the male did indeed have a close girlfriend.

At some point in time this vicious male stopped answering her telephone calls and he even told his co-workers to ignore her messages. She could not take this rejection at all and decided to take matters into her own hands. During the night hours this once sensible girl started to watch the man's apartment for long hours. She had become so obsessed with him and this was quite terrifying.

She found herself sitting in a jail cell because of this obsession and then the honorable judge asked her to leave town. Luckily she was able to finally find religion after all of these traumatic events and the Lord led her in the right direction. This girl had found peace with herself and others and learned how to control all of her emotional and physical desires. At long last there was not any many on Earth that could break her heart or spirit again.

She learned how to pray each and every day in order to have a better life while living on this planet. All of her prayers were answered since she was able to get a good job and real friends who would never let her down. Some years later she was able to return to her hometown where all of the heartache had happened. The once cruel man was now gone to another location and this young lady never thought about him again.

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