Steps On How To Build A Close Relationship With God

By Francis Riggs

Finding inner peace is difficult when one is full of regrets and anger. It deprives one of happiness and contentment vital in having a fulfilling life. Note that acknowledging the dilemma is not enough to resolve it. Confused souls should learn how to build a close relationship with God to overcome the hurdles of their frustrations. Such practice does not only release them from the bondage of depression but also molds them into becoming better individuals.

Pray to uplift those ill feelings. Be specific about what you ask. Praise Him for everything. Avoid asking for material things. Seek wisdom, patience and discernment. He is watching you. He knows what you need but He needs affirmation. Talk to Him just like how you would talk to your best friend. He is listening to your pleas almost every second. However do not expect Him to grant it immediately. He evidently knows what is good for you.

Religiously read the Bible daily. Each verse contains helpful lesson that averts one from committing sins. Take a few verse and place in index cards. Download an eBook or keep a compact version handy. Read each verse especially when you feel confused. This will somehow keep you directed.

Approach a study group to make this experience more enjoyable for you. Sharing gospels with two or more friends help you understand verses better and keep you from violating it. This sense of belonging strengthens the will power of each member allowing them to avert temptations.

Meditate. Find a quiet spot that will allow you to contemplate on your journey. Spend at least an hour praying or reading bible verses until you find inner peace. You need a sound mind to make a sound decision. Seclusion is highly recommended to keep you focus and strengthen your will power.

Practice abstinence every now and then. Go to a retreat or simply deprive yourself with things that hinder you from living a Christ-like lifestyle. Fasting is not necessarily equivalent to starvation. You may need to assess your goals before engaging in this activity. You may also need to consult your doctor if you are going a diet for a few days. Surely you would not be able to solve anything if you are unhealthy.

Evangelize. Introduce Him to as many people as you could. Let them know how He touched and changed your life without arguing about it. Join outreach programs or simply share the experience when given a chance. You should not be offended if others mock you. Remember that not everyone is open to the idea. Just be patient and stay humble. It is part of the process.

Frustration is born out of expectation. Letting it go can be challenging without Gods wisdom. One should have faith to surpass the challenges of change. Evidently there is a reason for everything thus one should be open for redirection. Keep in mind that God will not hurt His children. So be open and steadfast. You are in good hands once you trust Him completely.

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