The Challenge Facing Those Who Attempt To Change The World

By Evan Sanders

There's an interesting challenge that faces dreamers.

What makes dreamers and people who pursue their goals unique is that they really tend to go against the grain. What is popular for many seems to be uninteresting to them. They head in a direction where no solid path has been forged and see something that nobody else has made yet. While being challenging in it's natural right, it's hard for the reason that dreamers also have to face the criticism of the people who don't really share their same enthusiasm for the things that have not been made yet.

Dreamers face a decision: slow down to the pace of those people that aren't walking at their speed or to resume on and let people catch up eventually.

Time upon time, the world has tried to crucify those who have seen the future and what could really be for our world. The world has not learned that impossible does not exist for the dreamers and that its limitations on what can be done don't apply either for people that dare greatly. But the elemental question still applies for those who are pushing ahead to create a grand future for everyone I continue on despite the criticism or do I conform with the mass majority?

In truth, there's just one call to be made. If you want to do something that has never been done you've got to leave the pack on your own and try things that have never been tested. Notwithstanding any doubt which will exist in your mind, you must advance. Advance with power and a deep sense of grit. When it is all cleared up, if the tide of life is on your side, you'll finish up changing the world in some way or other.

The criticism will come, naturally, but that is just part of the game.

So keep moving ahead. Keep paving roads that do not exist yet. The world will hate you now, but thank you later on.

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