The Best Way To Tackle Big Dreams

By Evan Sanders

I hate to mention it, but fear is generally stronger than you. So if you didn't come ready to fight for what you believe in, you're going to lose to it. Honestly, there is only one specific method to achieve a giant dream in life.

Eric Thomas has this fantastic speech where he talks about the undeniable fact that if you strike at a tree in 1,000 different places, what will go down? Nothing. But if you strike at a tree one thousand times in the very same place...that tree will fall.

The exact same thing is true of your dreams. You have got to strike and strike again doubtlessly and have nothing apart from pure care in seeing it all of the way through. That is the sole way I ultimately crossed one of the biggest and most challenging milestones of my life. And now, I am ready , truly ready, to go back at it again, starting to tackle other dreams. I'm prepared and ready to build on the foundation that I have already built and see what else I am capable of.

Why? Because my opinion is that I'm capable of more than what I've done in the past. Shouldn't we all raise the bar on ourselves?

I'm aware that I have more in the tank and can bring something better to the table for each and every single time I do this. They assert it takes years to eventually build the dreams you want - and for once, there is a deep happy to make that sacrifice. I am happy to make the sacrifice as it not only helps me mentally but spiritually also.

I have struck again and again at this vision of mine, and I have accomplished some goals, but the vision has yet to be seen through. I have to continue striking at the same place over and over. So I must... because I actually can.

We are each capable of so much and yet we do not because of one reason or another. We must. We must give our gifts to the world - it should be no other way.

Choice is a tough thing to realise. A great majority of the time we have the power to choose in the situation in front of us. We mustn't ever forget that those selections are ours and our responsibility alone. They're no one elses. When you actually begin to understand that the majority of your life is basically your own responsibility, you open up the doors of being able to change your world significantly. Instead of being the victim you become the captain.

So make the decision to be the king of your world. Tackle those big dreams with vigor and persistence. Never give up.

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