Key Pillars Of The Ministry Of Pastor David Oloo

By Elaine Guthrie

The church plays a significant role in the community. It is meant to change the members of the society by teaching them good morals, which promote peace and harmony. A successful church will definitely create a positive impact on the residents. Therefore, you need to understand the principles of success in the ministry of Pastor David Oloo in Homa-Bay, Kenya.

The evidence that show if a particular minister of God is in genuine is what he pursues. People venture into the ministry for different reasons and the bibles also warns the faithful that during the end times, false prophets will arise. However, the bible further advises that you will know them by their fruits. This minister of God has a heart for God and this depicts from his zeal and commitment.

A true church must have a purpose to create a positive effect within its territory. The doctrines of the gospel believe in changing of a man to make his surrounding a better place. When a man is transformed, his world also transforms because the virtues imparted in him affect his/her environment. The church focuses on transforming its faithful by the word of God.

The church believes in Jesus the son of God. Jesus came into the world in form of a man with a mission to save the whole world from sin. Jesus accomplished this task and through his blood, the foundation of salvation was established and this gave birth to the church. Therefore, Jesus is the high priest of the church in heaven and he will return to judge the world.

The mission of the church is to reach numerous souls and provoke their conversion into Christianity. This is because that is the main task of the church. Jesus came to the world that he may pull the sinners into the kingdom of his father. He sent his disciples on the same errand. A church ministry will be failing if it cannot pull people from the kingdom of darkness.

The evangelist is solely responsible with preaching for the congregation and leading the spiritual movement in provoking individuals to surrender their lives to Christ. He also raises some members with a similar vision. A board instituted by the leadership of the church manages the finances of the church. This board ensures accountability of funds to the congregation.

Every church has a capacity to create a bigger impact into the whole world and there is no minister that does not want to grow his dreams and calling to a higher level. This is a greater level of sacrifice the minister must take. A willing heart is needed for such a vision to be realized. The minister is willing to pay the price to spread this ministry to other towns and the world at large.

The church is also committed in putting up of structural facilities that are necessary for the smooth operation of its activities. Such projects need money and a lot of it as such. However, carrying out some of the projects evident took the intervention of God. God touched a particular individual from a foreign nation and donated the finances for the building.

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