Understanding The Hypnosis Certification Training

By Ruthie Calderon

So often, hypnosis is associated with the game of mind control. In fact, the majority of us tend to think of some spooky character on a stage, taking mind control of random people in the audience and making them perform some crazy acts. Unknown to many, it has been gaining popularity as an accepted form of therapy with outstanding results. No wonder medical practitioners and health coaches are increasingly signing for the hypnosis certification training courses in NA and other cities.

There are several reported benefits of hypnosis the most common ones being stress management, pain management, alleviating phobias, weight loss, and even stopping to smoke. A good example is when patients choose it as the preferred method to use in managing the pain after surgery. The practice is particularly important in dealing with difficult-to-change habits and other mental health problems.

Other than the degrees in the medical settings, the degrees as a community social worker, psychiatrist, psychologists, and other counseling related qualifications are acceptable. As such, other than medical workers and counselors, the other people who register for these courses are the motivational speakers, the life coaches, the personal trainers and the neuro-linguistic programmers.

The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH), and the Milton Erickson Foundation are some of the organization that offers seminars and forums for continuous learning in this field. Being the largest professional organization in the field, the ASCH offers networking opportunities, training workshops as well as certification targeting the professional practitioners who want to use the techniques in their health practice.

Even with wide acceptance in this field of medicine, the universities and colleges do not offer hypnosis as academic courses. If you are lucky, you might be taught a few topics as part of your main course. As such, the only available avenue it to get your basic degree or relevant qualification and proceed to pursue its training as a professional course thereafter.

Since this is a very complex phenomenon, a number of organizations have come up to offer awareness programs targeting the lay people. The awareness is very important as it helps the general society demystify the subject and appreciate its importance as a form of therapy. The general population also gets to understand the psychological factors that affect its use in an effective and safe manner.

In the eye of the general society, hypnosis is still a very complex phenomenon. As such, several organizations normally offer awareness courses to the lay people. These awareness courses help demystify the many theories associated with the subject. With this, more people get to understand the subject and appreciate it as a form of therapy which in turn ensures that they understand its psychological aspects and promote its safe and effective use as a medical therapy.

As such, the bottom line statement is that you should first equip yourself with a standard degree as a medical professional, a counselor, a social worker, or any other relevant profession and the go for the additional training from the right institution such as the one in NA and get certified by the societies such as the Milton Erickson Foundation, SCEH, or ASCH.

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