Somatic Experiencing Therapy As A Stress Combatant

By Earlene McGee

No on is exempted to stress. Everyone who works or studies or do things at a daily basis is susceptible to this. However, there are poeple who managed to create a strategy on how to reduce its impact to their physical health. It is those who are not yet well versed in handling their stress factor that suffer from the consequence.

The good news is, this can already be addressed through modern treatment. Among this modern modes of treatment is the somatic experiencing therapy Palm Springs CA. In this kind of therapy, the person in charge tries to find out the stress factor of a patient based on his actions and reaction to touch. This method is commonly used in helping out trauma patients in dealing with their fears.

They are geared to aiding those people who are coping up with their past fears by analyzing the relationship of their body and mind. Fear is mental. And an important factor in assessing its depth is by looking into the physical reactions in response to this feeling. The application of the therapy has proven to be effective and brings out the following benefits.

More resilience to stress. As mentioned, there are people who have tamed themselves to be aware of the triggering factors. Those who are havinga hard time doing it can use the therapy to cope with the factors faster and be more alert in case the initial signs of burn out appears.

Improved comfort. The bad thing about getting stressed, is it has the tendency to affect us physically. Sometimes, it can manifest itself through headaches. Other in nausea. If the health status of the person is already frail, the manifestation could be worse. The therapy has proven to improve the comfort level as an effect of more resilience to stressful occurences.

Improved activity in mind and body. When you are tired, it is only natural to reduce the amount of physical activity that you do. This is contrary to what you feel when you are on your best shape. By eliminating the negative thoughts contributing to the feeling of being stressed, you are ultimately boosting your ability to be more active.

Higher concentration level. Whether its at work or in school, you need to concentrate. This is needed in order to get things done. When stressed, you can hardly focus. Instead, you are likely to succumb to all those negative thoughts. The therapy is an effective method in combating these thoughts and is great for improving concentration on things that matter.

Reduced vulnerability to anxiety. People who are not able to deal with or refuse to do anything with their initial state of discomfort are likely to develop anxiety in the long run. This is what the therapy is trying to reduce. With an improved way of communicating to the therapist, the patient is able to share more of what is distracting him and therefore reduces the chances of him getting depressed with his condition.

There is a limit to how much strain one can carry. Being aware of the problem is the first step. Tapping the assistance of therapist who can help you combat it is another story. Be open minded and mindful on the first signs of burn out. They can be precursor to something more serious. Be alert. There are people who are trained to help. Reach out to them.

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