The Best True Lover Tests

By Elaine Guthrie

Differentiating between true love and pretense is proving very difficult nowadays. Purported lovers are breaking their promises as fast as they make them. No one wants to be cheated on or used for convenience purposes. This makes true lover tests very important at the earliest opportunity so that you can know the direction you are headed. The best test is to gauge the actions of your partner.

It takes genuine love to be fearless in expressing affection. This is a person who does not fear in public or private and is comfortable whenever the love bug bites. Nothing else matters when it comes to expressing affection if it comes from the heart. Such a partner will take bold steps whenever expected for the sake of your happiness.

A person who is truly in love will show concern and care towards you. The person will inquire about you to be sure that you are doing well. He or she will be interested in your career, health, family, friends and personal goals. The partner makes you feel like you have company regardless of the situation. It is an incredible feeling to know that someone is thinking about you and your interests even though he is not physically there.

Relationships are characterized by constant disagreements and differences. Only an understanding partner will make it last. These differences will not affect your relationship. They are to be appreciated and tapped into so as to bring beauty to the relationship. Genuine affection recognizes and appreciates the differences. Indulging in personal interests does not lead to conflict.

Attention helps to strengthen the bond that exists between two lovers. Genuine love pays attention to the things you are interested in and can spot minor changes. Attention also means recognizing your demands and desires without waiting to be told. A person who understands silent wishes, joys and worries is considered attentive and genuinely in love.

Genuine love does not leave any room for secrecy on matters affecting the two of you. Lovers share issues relating to personal life, daily challenges and joys, finances, passion and weaknesses. The idea is to reveal anything that affects the other person. It brings comfort and confidence in the knowledge that you are sharing common goals and destiny. Such a relationship will thrive because you are working towards the same dream.

It takes a lot of effort to keep two people in love together. Each partner tries his or her best to ensure that the shared dream is achieved. It is by trying under all circumstances that two people who are truly in love can stay together. Each has a personal role to play in ensuring that the relationship works. Genuine love drives each partner into becoming the best man or woman for the sake of the relationship.

Jealousy and protectiveness are a natural part of true love. This comes from the desire to ensure that nothing separates you. As much as it is healthy to be jealous, it should not get to the level of destruction. It manifests in possessiveness where each partner wants to enjoy the full attention of the other. These are the acts that determine if the test is passed or failed.

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