Putting Your Man Through True Love Tests

By Elaine Guthrie

It can be difficult to know whether you man really loves you or not. You might waste months maybe even years putting him through true love tests, just to figure it all out. Sometimes the tests might work and then other times you might feel as if you are not better in your relationship than before.

You begin to check his cellphone and count the minutes until he walks through the door. You time the minutes it take from him to get from his job to home, and if he does not make an excuse for being late, your mind begin to play games and have you thinking all sorts of things. You wonder can you trust him, or is he cheating on you with someone else. All of these thoughts can be nerve wrecking.

Put him through the time to get married test. Find out just exactly what his views are on marriage, if he does not cringe at hearing the mere sign of marriage, you just might have a winner. Ask him about going to pick out engagement rings, after all you have been dating for a few years now.

Men know that some of the family members have big mouths and when it comes to relationships they can ruin one in a few words. He might be afraid that taking you around any of his friends is an acknowledgement that he is really in a committed relationship.

Another thought, are you allowed to use his cellphone at any time. Now, a man who does not have anything to hide, and his friends are your friends, will allow you to scroll through his phone, answer calls and read his text. If he does not you have a problem on your hands. Be careful if he sleeps with his phone, goes to the bathroom with his phone and eat with it. Trust that you are not the only person in his life, and the other woman is definitely not his mother.

Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong commitment, but more and more marriages today end in divorce. Love and relationships are a major part of life, but for many of us the ups and downs are a mystery. Talk to your partner about what is troubling you, instead of playing games. Many times lack of communication is the problem all along.

Avoid taking your significant others behavior personally. Do not to take it as a plot against you when your man seems on edge or just seem distant. As long as these changes in your man are not too often, he might just need a little time to spend time alone.

You know that is all it takes to make you happy. But, either he does not know it or he just do not care about your happiness at all. You have to because for every wonder and good man there is one that is just the opposite. One that you really do not want to waste your time on.

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