To Practice As A Medium San Diego Residents Need Not Register Anywhere

By Barbara Ross

The history of mankind is richly populated with individuals that were said to have special talents and abilities. They were called witches, wizards, seers, prophets and a host of other names. In many cases these individuals were revered and they played important roles in their societies. They have not disappeared. There are psychics to be found in every country and among all cultures. When consulting a medium San Diego residents often hope to receive advice that will help them solve their problems.

There has always been a great deal of controversy around everything and everyone connected with the paranormal. Protractors are adamant that there are no other realms where wiser and more powerful beings reside. There is also nobody that has special powers to communicate with such beings. Psychics, say the critics, are preying upon the desperate need of their clients to believe that they can gain special insight.

Many critics say that most people consulting psychics are gullible and that they pay huge fees for advice that they deem to be superior. This is not the case. People follow the advice of their psychics and in the process they offer suffer losses or humiliation. When they confront their mediums about it they are simply told that they did not follow instructions correctly or that they misunderstood the advice altogether.

Psychics do not seem to be much bothered by the criticism. Many of them have extremely successful practices. Some boast clients that are world renowned and there are many industry captains, celebrities and even politicians that admit that they see psychics regularly for advice. Even police forces from many different countries use them and psychics have had remarkable successes in helping them solve complicated cases.

Psychics say that their critics are simply misinformed about what it is that they do. They do not claim to be able to foretell or foresee the future. They do not cast spells and they cannot change the course of events. They only thing that they can do, they say, are to communicate with the beings that exist in other dimensions and to convey their messages and advice to their clients.

A few psychics say that they have never even chosen to be psychics but that they were chosen by beings from other planes. They say they do not know how or why they were chosen but that their task is to act as communication channel between those beings and the humans for which their messages are intended. Those that ridicule them are advised to consider the many examples in the Bible where people were chosen to act as conveyers of messages.

Those that consult psychics need to accept the fact that they will have no recourse when they are not happy with the service or when they feel that they have been misled. There are no official organizations to which psychics belong or where they must register. Anyone can practice as a psychic. It is therefore important not to rashly act on the advice of psychics but to use common sense and even get other opinions.

Whether there are paranormal domain and whether psychics have special abilities is a matter of personal opinion. There have been remarkable episodes where psychics were proven to be one hundred per cent correct, however. In the meantime, psychics thrive and they have numerous followers.

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