Highlights Of Counselors In Stratford Ct

By Karen Roberts

There are different techniques used by therapist to ensure that the whole counselling process is successful. The techniques and skills are very imperative as they are the main determinant of the outcome of the process. Those that have done their masters degree in counselling and completed it are well versed with the skills they can use during psychotherapy processes. This editorial comprehensively expounds on counselors in stratford ct.

Individual psychotherapy is the most known type of therapy that emphasizes on wellness as well as mental growth of an individual. This type of therapy originated from the person centered theory that operated on the notion that every individual has the capability of fulfilling their potential fully. Such a therapy will entail different aspects which include positivity, self-actualization and empathy.

The other aspect of listening is the active listening. A person is at his desperate moment and it is imperative to show your care by giving him full devotion. The active heeding entails listening with your eyes, heart, body as well as mouth. The verbal listening on the other hand encompasses the feedback you are giving that is your response in line with what the patient is saying. Verbal cues such as a simple yes is essential in boosting further exploration from the client.

The other skill that is essential in this process is asking questions. This skill enables the psychotherapist to learn more about his client. It is however important to note that the type of inquiries you make will determine the tone of the session and the whole psychotherapy process. There are two types of inquiries made and one of them is closed inquiry that is answered with either a yes or no.

Loss is traumatic and whether it is expected or sudden it is usually distressing and disturbing. Grief entails a wide range of emotions and it can go on and on resulting into depression. Bereaved members of a family should be taken through a series of sessions to help them not dwindle into the misery of depression.

The other type of psychotherapy is the group therapy. This works especially in circumstances that have resulted due to alcohol and other drug abuse. People suffering from drug abuse are brought together in a group setting and taken through sessions of therapy. Therapists recommend group setting for drug abusers so as to get help and encouragement. It is hard to have a single psychotherapy with such an individual due to withdrawal symptoms.

Counselors should exhibit empathy. This goes without saying as it is an important trait that they should incorporate. This basically refers to a therapists putting themselves in their clients situation. This way there is more understanding and will to help the client. Empathy goes far beyond just sympathizing.

In this account it is important to note that counseling works with both parties being dedicated and focused. Otherwise in a situation where one individual is not focused on the process eventually it might not work. Commitment and consistency is key in ensuring that the process is fruitful.

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