What Life In A Wheelchair Is Like For Young People

By Ryan Davis

One can almost not imagine what life could be possibly be like in a wheelchair. Yet, when you are in a situation when you are told your back or your neck is broken, there is not much that you are able to do about it. It is strange that just about every other part of the body can be healed, and one can't join up the spinal cord. Life in a wheelchair, will therefore result.

It is obviously traumatic when you are diagnosed with a broken back or neck. This can happen at any time. It is common for a young person to break their neck or back after a diving accident or after a car accident. One will be left in a wheelchair their entire lives and one finds that their world is turned upside down.

At first, you will see your friends walking around as usual. You may see your family who you can never hug again. It can be depressing. It is natural to go into a state of grief because you are unable to go into this time where you are able to use your body as you were before.

However, many people are able to get passed this and move on with their lives. You can go on as you did before in life with a few adjustment that you obviously have to make. Many paraplegics are able to drive. They can then go to work and continue in their lives, so long as it doesn't involve physical activity, such as being a carpenter or a construction worker, for example.

There are many people who are in this state. They have a caregiver who attends to them. They have a way of getting around. It means that they are able to socialize. They have the option of studying. They can hold down a job. Many people go on to have a successful career as well as a happy family.

It can also be frustrating as you adapt to the wheelchair. It is obviously a different kind of motion. There are narrow spaces you need to get through. There are stairs that you may not be able to get up. There are places which are not wheelchair friendly. These are all things to take into consideration.

Even the most courageous person will have days where they are not able to see the light. They may not let on, but it is only natural that they will find it tough to get out of bed on some occasions. You will have memories of past events when you were active and running about. You will feel a moment of sadness come over you, but it is important to go with these emotions.

These days, there are many forms of technology which help you to stay independent to some degree, and this does make a difference when you are trying to do your own thing and basically want to have your own space. Many people have their own businesses and don't have to rely on anyone for this, unless they begin to employ someone.

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