Untold History About Black Women Self Improvement Organization

By Cynthia Cook

Throughout the story of humankind, gender discrimination is probably the most sorrowful event that encompasses age, economic wealth and educational upbringing. Oftentimes, the women are the victims of this cultural phenomenon that is still felt around the world today. Perhaps this is the right time that we allow radical changes in this perception, especially that a black women self improvement group is organized to educate the people for a better change to the society.

Most countries still have problems to gender inequality and it might have helped if media would be accessible to these people. In fact, some of them have never have heard about asserting their own rights since nobody in a macho society would ever inform them about it. That is why these women are exploited, harassed or not even respected because they are ignorant of the basic rights.

Our world would never be the same without leading women figures in our rich history. While men hunted for food during the new stone age, a Mesopotamian woman cast the first wheat grains into the wet soil which will later catapult them to the age of agriculture. Strong known figures, such as Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I, Margaret Thatcher and Elizabeth II have helped shaped the destiny of their own countries.

To think that women are stronger than men could be an overstatement of some sort. A kind of joke says that if you asked men to carry a new born child, he would likely last for just a few minutes. This task could be done by a woman for a couple of hours.

There is a growing movement and change of outlook that women can do what man has accomplished. If you look at the present workforce today, they are already many and some of them are even on vital company operations. Their abilities are not below or even at par with men who could set high standards to keep them afloat even in trying times.

We need to realize that without the other, we could never achieve a place where everyone has access to the richness of the earth and the rights to be exercised. We lived in a world where they may be limited resources, but never lacking when shared which we should have done ages ago. The key is to complement each other in this otherwise paradoxical world by learning to accept our differences.

Some authors have also written some works depicting women as game changers in the society. These works will help us realize and understand that we need to open our minds towards these changes. In such manner could we ever achieve a world where everyone is equal and have basic human rights.

These may be difficult to achieve, especially in some societies where men are predominantly in control of most affairs. Yet if constant dripping of a water would crack a rock, the same could be compared to these societies by educating them on their rights. Mass media could help in this endeavor by exposing the truth behind empowering women.

Let us start to respect our women by giving what is due to them. Let us be educated enough to realize that we are not in the old times when they are relegated to house work. They have the potential to change the world, in as much as men do.

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