Classic Stories Of Hope And Inspiration

By Thomas Bennett

A message from a story is easier to understand and remember. There are captivating stories of hope and inspiration that are perfect for speakers to lift the spirit of his listeners or audience. These short narratives can apply on different situations and will be captivating to readers.

You have a unique story, and everyone too. A boy traveling on a train kept commenting about the trees moving backwards and skies following them. A couple that sat opposite was annoyed and kept begging the father to take the kid to a doctor or shut him up. Unknown to the couple, the boy had been blind and was returning from a surgery. He was fascinated to see the first time. Let us allow other people to enjoy their moments because we do not know what it means to them.

Rise above the troubles that seek to bury you. When a donkey fell into a water well, the owner took a spade and decided to bury it. However, this donkey would shake its back for the soil to fall to its feet. It stepped on the soil until the well was filled. This story teaches a lesson of overcoming the challenges we are facing instead of succumbing.

A string and the huge elephant. Elephants are tamed with the use of huge strong ropes. However, over time, the ropes are abandoned. One elephant was tied to a plastic seat. It could move but the mentality was that it was still tied with the huge rope. This is the same case with many people. They are tied to old problems and mentalities but unknown to them, they can go free. It is time to recognize what binds you and go free.

The Egg, potato and hot water. A father boiled an egg and potato till they were cooked. He called the son and asked what he thought of the exercise and the son could not make out anything. The father explained that the same hot water that made an egg hard is the same that made the potato soft. Life will be hard or easy depending on what you take it to be.

The value of a folded 100 dollar bill. At a podium, a speaker asked who wanted a 100 dollar bill. Everyone raised his or her hand. When the speaker folded it once more, and asked the same question, the same number of people wanted the bill. The message from the story is that you are valuable despite the challenges that beat you up.

Everyone has an account with 86,400 dollars. It is what you do with this account that determines the kind of life you live. Well, the account represents the 86,400 seconds you get every day with 24 hours. Make something out of these seconds every day because the account is recharged every morning.

Beyond the hypothetical stories, there are experiences of people who have overcome the most taxing challenges. There is always a message of encouragement in these stories. They make life bearable for a lot of people facing very difficult challenges.

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