6 Transurfing Rules According To Vadim Zeland

By David Campbell

If you are interested in knowing what the world holds for you, or how you can face your reality, you should read. So many books talk about shaping and changing your reality. These books will also help you to materialize your dreams. Vadim Zeland is an author of the Transurfing book series that have changed the way people think. If you read these books and analyze them, you will surely change the way you think and perceive the world in a different way. The following are Transurfing rules summarized by a reader of the book series. Have a look.

Vadim points out that the world is an endless space of variations. Therefore, people can perceive the variations and materialize them differently using their mental energy. The many reality forms of the world will thus materialize as perceived by people. Therefore, you can change your perception and have a different materialization of these variations.

The author also claims that people create pendulums that later control them. When people think in a similar way, they will create energy called pendulums. These are invisible energy-informational structures that can positively or affect the lives of people. The pendulums can thus be familial, political, religious, corporate, etc. More pendulums include phones and money. These energy structures, therefore, start controlling their creators. They do this by feeding on your energy and consuming you.

Another rule that controls people is called the wave or surge of luck. This is a collection of all the positive lines found in the variations in the space. These waves follow the people that continually build up momentum from their first success. Usually, destructive pendulums push people away from their surge of luck. To gain strength and energy, you have to drop the negative pendulums.

People may have excessive potentials, as seen in the books. This is when you value something too much, thus giving it excessive attention. This subjective evaluation may distort the reality of the object or event. Therefore, this may give the object or event exaggerated positive or negative attributes.

Induced transition is also possible, depending on the emotional responses you give to events. This rule claims that if you have emotional responses to negative things or events, you may transition to a negative line of living. Thus, people that like listening to information that is negative will respond emotionally to it. They will then keep on attracting negative events to their lives.

The writer also claims that your soul has the power to access information found in your variation space. Your soul thus has the ability to know your future, and whether the variations are positive or negative. These senses will then be perceived by your mind through discomfort or comfort.

When you develop a culture of reading books, you will become knowledgeable. Some books will completely change you, making you a better person. Hence, if you have not yet read the Transurfing series, you should start buying and reading these books as soon as possible as they will change your reality.

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