Practical Tips On Having A Spiritual Awakening

By Stephanie Anderson

A strong believer will sometimes feel weak at a point in his or her life. This plateau moment calls for a spiritual awakening. The exercises are meant to awaken passion to pursue deeper spirituality so that the believer can enjoy the fruits of full or strong spirituality. The following practical steps will aid in reigniting a strong spirit and transforming your life.

Drop what is unnecessary in your life. This could be people, things or habits. Believers carry a lot of stuff that makes their lives cluttered. There were habits and people who were with you during formative years. Other habits will only drain you emotionally and physically. Endeavor to begin a new journey lighter and will unnecessary baggage.

Evaluate your belief system to see whether it is practical and effective. There are aspects of faith that could be causing your spirit to die or get cold. Lay bare what you believe and see whether it makes sense. If a belief is not making sense or adding value to your life, drop it. Pick up new ideas that enhance your spirituality.

Look for new ideas about spirituality. This does not mean that you drop the old ones. Rather, you begin to read new books and talk to other people apart from your usual circle. The new ideas will jolt you back to life and make you hungry to learn. It opens up your life to new ideas that will bring transformation.

Take to outdoors for inspiration. Nature has a load of gifts in store for people who pay homage. Visit your favorite park, take a long drive, retreat to the mountains or ride down the river, among other options. By connecting with nature, you awaken a new aspect of your life.

Be kind to your body. The body is the house where the spirit lives. If the body is healthy and happy, your spirit will also be happy and strong. Eat good foods, lean to relax. This leaves you with more strength to yearn for a revival. A weak body will clog your judgment and deny you the energy to pursue a better life.

Learn to release that which is no longer necessary in your life. It is difficult to drop something, a friend or a habit that you have been engaged in for years. This means that you have to stop watching certain programs, visiting certain areas or keeping company. It will take a lot of grace, courage and determination to accept this change. It opens the way for a new path in life.

Find a mentor to guide you through the process. There are activities and actions that could be enticing yet they do not lead you in the right direction. A mentor will direct you from experience and revelation. This should be a leader who has served for years and therefore understands the right direction to take. You must prepare to be a new being and drop your old ways. It will take a while to get comfortable with your new self.

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