An Explanation Of How Your Subconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

By Virginia Hamilton

At every step of life, a person makes a lot of decisions and take actions every now and then. Interestingly, you are seldom in control. Many people are often misled to think that they are in full control of their actions, which is so far from the truth. A person cannot be in full control of their conduct whatsoever. Reason being, not all actions are consequences of the conscious decisions. In fact, most often such actions are controlled by the subconscious awareness. Most emotions and actions happen in split seconds. If you are wondering how it happens, here is how your subconscious mind rules your behavior.

The unconscious thoughts function differently from conscious thoughts. The unconscious thought is also more powerful than conscious awareness. If you can access and control the unconscious awareness, you can do extraordinary things with thoughts alone. Most information of reality is possessed by the unconscious mind, with the conscious thought possessing just a tiny fraction of the information.

The unconscious awareness is largely responsible for the way we behave, and even if there is no conviction available, it would still influence human actions. A person's actions are consequences of their emotions, and since the unconscious awareness is responsible for controlling emotions, it would be empirical to conclude that the unconscious thought is the major influencer of the individual's behavior.

If one can control their unconscious thought, they can unlock so much that are stored in there. Different parts of the awareness affect your manners in different ways and capacities and sometimes you have to stop them from controlling the thoughts in the mind if you want to be free from them. This way, you can control the actions indirectly.

It is a memory bank. The unconscious awareness is like an enormous memory bank. It has a memory that is virtually unlimited. Likewise, it is capable of storing everything that has ever transpired in life since you were born. That is why under hypnosis, older people are capable of remembering in details events that happened to you fifty years ago.

The unconscious part of your awareness is responsible for preserving a balance in you. For instance, it maintains a balance among the hundreds or so chemicals rent in body cells, which are billions in number. The unconscious thoughts also contain homeostatic impulse which is what keeps the body temperature at the right amount.

It is subjective in nature in that it never thinks or reason independently. Likewise, the unconscious attention merely obeys the commands it gets from conscious awareness. You can always feel the unconscious awareness pulling you towards the comfort zone whenever you try something new or when you are in an unfamiliar setting.

Understanding the unconscious thoughts can help improve your relationship with other people. It will help you staying control of any fears that may be present in the subconscious that may have been put there by past painful or unpleasant occurrences. You will be able to judge people more accurately and be more realistic in your reactions in certain situations.

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