Interesting Facts About Reality Transurfing

By Richard Murray

The realization of visions is something that majority of people across the world are always thinking of. Reality Transurfing simply means having the ability to control your life and your world. In this theory, every person can acquire what they deeply desire for as long as some particular aspects and principles are observed. These aspects are what will be the concern of this article.

Human beings, as individuals, are always in constant conflicts with either themselves or other people. These other people are what create the social environment that ends up exerting a lot of pressure on the individual. Therefore, if there is a vision of yourself that exists only in your mind and you deeply want to realize it, never bow down to the external pressure from other people and their goals. Avoid trying to be like someone else and focus your energy on yourself.

Your soul is as unique as your own fingerprint. In the cosmic variation, you will have a path that you must identify from within yourself, guided by the light of your own soul. Therefore, ensure you listen to that deep, silent voice of your soul. It is by the dictation of your soul, and your soul alone, that you must live. If your mind has to convince you about a given objective or goal, then your soul is not on that path and you have to let go.

You may depend on luck to achieve some things but remember that luck will be created by nobody else but yourself. Luck, in essence, is a series of continuous small success that one builds on to achieve bigger success. So, build on what you achieve and turn it into your own luck. Remember you have the ability to turn each situation into an opportunity and let it work to your advantage.

You do not have to struggle to become or achieve what you want. When your goals are clear and are truly meant to be achieved by you, and you are on the right path, you will easily achieve them. There will be no reason to fight so hard, only aligning your dreams and desires to the resonation of your heart, mind, and soul. That harmony is important in building synergy for you to get to where you want to be.

Metaphysics, which is the study of the world outside the real world, emphasizes the importance of the harmony between the soul and the mind. There is the Chi and this exists either the same way or differently across the world. There is a guiding spirit in the Meta-world and the harmony between your mind and the soul will make your self-actualization very easy and enjoyable.

Whenever and whatever you want to realize, do not give in to fear. Fear is the enemy you must never allow to devour you. Once you start fearing situations or people, they become impediments to what you want to achieve and that will hamper the journey to curving your own true identity as you so desire. Let your body, mind, and spirit free itself of any kind of fear and allow yourself to smoothly move across the variations of life.

However, knowing all these, you will notice the enormous challenge it creates, especially for the modern generation. The world is full of distractors and you will require a strong will to draw yourself out of the noisy world and create something peaceful for yourself. What you only need to know is that it is possible to become that what you want to become.

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