Know Blog Identity God Edification Christian Book

By Kenneth Peterson

Our world could be the least exciting place to reside in because of chaos, conflicts, and broken relationships. These timely occurrences have always been present since the ancient times. Our society has evolved in terms of technology but our spiritual beings are still suffering. In this article, we will learn blog identity God edification Christian book.

We all know how important our faith is especially when we are living in this kind of society. World system is a poisonous concept and people would tend to value more the impressions that their fellow human beings have on them instead of focusing on spiritual assets. Therefore, there is really a need to cleanse our mind with the use of religious materials.

However, some pastors have formulated their own interpretations according to their own understanding on biblical scriptures. That is the main reason why human beings are already divided and discrimination has no longer been avoided. The necessary efforts were made to erase discrimination but the society is a toxic place to live in. This should never be the case.

There is nothing we can do to make Him love us less because we are naturally His. Therefore, despite our faulty actions and our repetitive mistakes, we must never lose hope in starting again and we should always ask for His mercy and forgiveness. Our sins are due to our extravagance and our selfishness. We often dwell with our insecurities and desires and we became vulnerable to temptations.

Once we start to identify with Him, we already are safe and protected. When we want to desire too much on material things, we might engage in stealing, being insecure, and cheating. If we remain simple and humble, we would no longer take worldly materials as a big issue since we have our own priorities as well. Our priority should be focused on heavenly things.

Despite our infidelity and unfaithfulness, He is still here with us and will always forgive us. We have all the right reasons to depend on Him and leave everything behind. When we follow his commands, we will develop as sense of belongingness and contentment. That is the main reason why people who have already identified with him have already attained wisdom and courage to combat against temptations and trials in life.

Lifelong relationships would improve our wellbeing and of course, would develop our social interest. Social interest does not necessarily being one with the world. We need to mingle with others so as to spread the word of God and to influence them with good values. We must not try to convince anyone with our own personal values.

We have our own religious beliefs. Instead of trying to persuade someone, be their inspiration and guide. We are all made to be heavenly instruments so that those who need to be enlightened will be enlightened. God also answers our prayers indirectly and He uses Hid instruments to guide us and be with us through life difficulties.

Therefore, being prone to these conflicts is not the big issue. What is important is we still are capable of resolving them in righteous ways. There is nothing wrong about committing mistakes. As long as we know how to humble down ourselves, then we can regain our strong relationship with God and with our fellowmen.

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