Handling Dependence On Suboxone Detox Groton CT

By Rebecca Reynolds

Treating any addiction is quite hard. At times, individuals successfully quit reliance on the abused drug but are unable to stop depending on the medication. This is common among Opioid addicts to take Suboxone detox Groton CT services. Luckily, dependency on this drug is not much intense. With a proper quitting plan, individuals can fight the addiction. However, people are unique and quitting yields so much pain for some to an extent they are advised to continue with standard dosage. There are several tips to minimize these effects as described below.

It is not easy to stop taking Buprenorphine medication. This means that individuals cannot sleep, wake up, and decide they have finished. It takes time, probably a week, two or months depending with a person. When one starts tapering, they should consider a gradual reduction of the dose amount. With the help of a specialist, come up with a plan to pace out quitting. With an adequately spaced idea, the intensity of pain and overall side effects are reduced.

It is essential to understand what is expected during tapering off. Weaning from a drug means that an individual is gradually reducing the amount of intake hence reducing the traces in their bodies. Some of the symptoms to expect is sleepiness, headache, stomach pain, and confusion. These withdrawal signs last depending on how much medication has been ingested. It is advisable to involve a specialist in this plan.

Besides understanding what to expect in terms of side effects, specialists also recommend knowing the time-lines. Notably, the most intense signs will be experienced during the first three days of quitting. The pain will vary depending on an individual. Within the early seven days, individuals will experience intense pains on the head, stomach, and back. This is accompanied by difficulty in sleeping as well as mood swings. During week two, depression and a desire for medication could creep back.

The transition from normal to a smaller amount of doses is also different, based on two factors. First, the individuals themselves, secondly, it differs with intensity of addiction. To start with, take the smallest amount produced by manufacturers. Based on how your body reacts, one may continue with that amount, add a little or reduce. Do not go by what others have successfully tried as their bodies are different from yours. Most importantly, involve a physician.

As stated earlier, bodies react differently. While some people are okay taking minimum dosages, others cannot survive with that. When one starts tapering, consider whether the pain experienced is manageable or not. If it is too intense, it is okay to pause. However, this should be stopped for a few days.

Healing begins from the mind. Quitting detoxification brings about a mixture of emotions. Sometimes one is so encouraged to move on; sometimes they feel healing it is impossible. When emotions overcome a person, they are likely to stop tapering. Hence, learn to manage their feelings.

One has to exercise to fight depression. It can be proven that happiness increases the chances of successful healing. Exercising is one way to boost satisfaction since it increases the production of endorphin hormone. The following are some of the vital information one needs to know when undertaking this process.

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