Finding Peace In A Christian Church

By Rebecca Fox

There are certain things that an individual is expected to do, like graduating from at least high school if not college. They are also expected to get a job. Then they are expected to enter into a romantic relationship with a person of the opposite gender, and while attitudes are changing, they are still largely firmly set. This romantic relationship of two people from opposite genders is then supposed to produce at least one child, and ideally, two or three. This new family is also supposed to live in a house behind a white picket fence, with the father putting on a suit and tie and then going to work each morning while the wife stays at the house and takes care of the family and the home itself. Society also dictates that every Sunday, that family must go to a place of worship, preferably a Christian church Wichita KS, and pray for at least an hour under the guidance of a reverend or a priest.

There a number of reasons for people to worship. Some are just born into it, being baptized into various religions by their parents and then just carrying on into adulthood, more out of habit than sincere belief. Then some people believe that the experience something spiritual, maybe they see a vision of their preferred deity and then believe that they have proof of the existence of a higher power. To others, being religious helps them make sense of their place in an infinite universe. Of course, there just some individuals who simply believe in a higher power.

There is no doubt that religion has been a huge factor in human history. Monarchies were made on the word of popes, because they were supposedly ordained by a supreme being to rule their people. If the religious sector turned on a monarch, then many times, it was off to the guillotine with them.

Christianity is a religion. In fact, it is the one with the greatest number of practitioners. It began in what is now the Middle East, with a wandering preacher who was once a carpenter, who spread about a message of love and kindness. It is a direct descendant of Judaism, another monotheistic religion from the same region.

A church is a building where the organized worship is conducted. Generally, there will be a crucifix, since the carpenter who founded it was crucified for spreading around the message that people should be at least decent to each other. Now, in certain sects of the faith, the churches will be much larger and more opulent than others.

There are many different sects of Christianity. The most prominent one is Catholicism, which is also the only one with own nation state. Now, this is the branch that can trace its rooms back to the original disciples of the carpenter in the desert.

The messages will differ with each church. Others will remember that the carpenter reached love and forgiveness. Some will preach of punishing the guilty and of eternal damnation.

There are also charlatans who claim to be followers, but are really just out for money. While the founder of the faith walked around the desert on feet with nothing more than sandals and some donkey, some preachers will insist on private jets. If they are extravagant, then there is a good chance they missed the point of the message.

Human beings worship. Worship can be done in churches. No matter the venue, the main message should be of love.

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