6 Things To Keep In Mind Concerning African Presence In The Bible

By Jessica Mitchell

Bible reflects the diverse and even multicultural view regarding the world. Therefore, some individuals have discovered and likewise studied some evidences which can signify the African Presence in the Bible. Specific geographical groups namely the Hebrews, Egyptians and such describe the color of specific people and then portray some elements that this book includes the strong black presence. African history played good role on the plan of God for all of us.

There are several things that we might not know regarding this. But with enough ideas and research which come from experts, there is a possibility we can determine crucial factors. Understanding African presence help us be well aware of several things that can be tremendously useful on studies and similar activities. Continue on reading the paragraphs below to become wary of various things which can matter on the long run.

Glorifying and Imitating God. Because we are made from the image and likeliness of the Supreme Being, we can imitate His words and actions. On another note, so many people discovered several evidences in which the black people portrayed a big role on the biblical history and studies. As portrayed in different studies, there are things which African put an influence on us.

Personhood of the African Woman. The black women have been oppressed and even suppressed by cultures and traditions which mostly abuse and even exploit them. As we know about Bible, it states that God made man and woman of same qualities. Seeing women the way God made them can inspire us to learn to love, accept and respect women as people of equal standing regardless of race and gender.

There is huge proof that only signifies that the blacks are present on such book. One sure interpretation which proved their existence is discovered on the Hebrew writing. It is stated that Adam or Ahdahm was made from skinned like, brown and dusty shadow. Ahdahm was made from a brown or a dark brown in color. This mostly increases the belief of other individuals.

As described and presented in Genesis, Garden of Eden includes four river systems in different lands, that are existing and present nowadays. It was on Ethiopia on 1974 wherein the oldest human evidence shows up. Although there is a big difference between the History and Science, East Africa still shows as the birthplace of humanity.

Many Hebrew patriarchs mostly married and also get children from African tribe women. Furthermore, Abraham had kids which can be found on such type of tribe. Jacob also get handmaidens too. Studying and understanding more about black presence could definitely open some doors for possible opportunities and also discussion that help many individuals.

Today, there are plenty of researches and books that support presence of this tribe in the Bible. If you are encouraged to know more, keep searching for several ideas. Do not stop working and learning until you know a lot of useful things.

What is crucial is to simply understand the ideas that matter. Knowledge is helpful. Yes, evidence could help. What is pivotal is you get to embrace and accept things that will portray a good role on accomplishing the best goal.

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