Tips To Know What Is My Calling

By Kimberly Richardson

For one to know his purpose in life is already in itself a very beautiful feat because it is something very hard for most people to find. While a lot of people are looking for that perfect path in their lives, not everyone actually finds it. So for those stuck with the question of what is my calling, here are a few tips that can help.

The first thing to do is to realize that the past is nothing but a lesson to learn. Most people never find their true purpose in life because they cannot let go of who they were before or of an event that scarred them in the past. The first step to finding true purpose would be to first accept the present, look toward the future, and most important of all, let go of the past.

During this stage, one should never be afraid to try out many different things. Most of the time, ones true vocation is not the path that he or she is currently walking on. If one really wants to try to find his or her vocation, then he or she should be open to trying out as many new things as possible. When he finds the right path, he or she will just feel it and gravitate toward it.

When one tries out many different things, then he or she will also be meeting a lot of different people too. The thing about meeting many different people is that one can actually learn a lot of new things and gain a lot of new insights. These insights are really good for maturing and will allow one to actually get closer to his or her true path.

The thing about having a purpose in life is that it needs to have a reason or a driving force behind it. This is why a purpose driven life must always start with a reason or a why. A why can be as simple as wanting to provide for the family or as huge as wanting to protect the wildlife of an entire country.

Likewise, a vocation must also be feasible. People who often dream about taking a certain path often get disappointed when they find out that the path they wanted is not feasible to do. So before a person chooses and solidifies a certain path, one must make sure that the path is first feasible and possible to achieve.

Finally, one has to tune into his or her head that a vocation is not necessarily limited to just one. It is actually possible for one to have many vocations. The only concern there is which one will be done first and which ones will be done later on.

It is definitely not an easy task for a person to find out his or her true calling although it is a very fulfilling one. However, one must remember that finding the right path takes looking out of the box and getting out of the comfort zone. It is only through doing this that one will know what his or her purpose is.

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