How To Deal With Failure To Launch Anxiety

By Jeffrey Cole

It is unnerving to leave the comfort of the care of your parents. Failure to launch anxiety is becoming more pronounced as the world becomes more competitive and opportunities reduce. Luckily, this can be dealt with professionally and with lasting results. Once the teens and young adults overcome this phase, there will be no turning back. Here are professional tips of handling such a situation.

Stop accommodating the person. Parents are in the habit of hiring pseudo girlfriends for their children in order to get them out of the shell. It is time to stop feeding the teen and even cleaning after him. This will wake them up and provide strength to get things done. When things around him or her are normal, the victim will not have the opportunity to change anything. You will still have to deal with the same problem.

Avoid being judgmental. Experts point at the FTL as a mental condition. Once the victim is abandoned and judged, stress grows and may result in a worse scenario. This must be viewed as a mental condition that will be worsened by judging people. The point that something must be done should be made in a calculated and passive way. Avoid forcing things and allow the situation to take positive loci.

All players have a solution to provide. It is futile to expect the teen or young adult to provide a solution alone. Guardians and parents have a role to play. Adults in his or her life must also show the way by example. The appointed specialist will also have a contribution to make. Parents and guardians have to play their part in being firm about the change that must happen. This will encourage the victim to take reciprocal action.

The people involved with the victim should be working in a team. These people are usually friends, parents and therapists. Unless they can speak and act in one voice, the subject will not change. The most unfortunate bit will be parents taking one side while the appointed therapist takes another. Failure to work in one direction means that you will not achieve the desired results. One will be deflating the efforts of the other.

The small steps taken must be appreciated. It is joyful for parents when their children take the small steps. They gain confident and begin to take up crucial skills. Encourage and appreciate the small steps taken in order to get better results in future. Do not expect too much. Further, when a small step is taken, it is likely to lead to another. If it does not, do not be disappointed. Reinforce the current step taken.

Be supportive and realistic in your actions. Push as hard as possible but do not cause to break. Be firm when you set small goals and extend the boundaries as they are achieved. Your actions will speak louder. If you need something to happen, provide the necessary infrastructure. Support takes away the anxiety.

Accommodating is important but you must also provide hope. There is safety in accommodation but it leaves the situation as it is. Ensure that difficulties do not cause you to lose hope. Reduce accommodation while you encourage him or her to get out of the shell. Be hopeful and let the hope be seen in your actions and words.

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