Staying Stable With EQI 20 Certification

By John Scott

There are certain things in life that can be easily quantified. Weight, height. There are many ways with which to put a number value on those things. But there are some things that do lend themselves well to such easy quantification. There is no way to put a number of inches or kilograms on things like love and pain. True, there is a scale for pain, but that is subjective. Then again, emotions are subjective. But things such as EQI 20 certification can be rather universal.

IQ means intelligence quotient. It means how competently a brain can process information. EQI means the emotional intelligence quotient. This relates to how competently an individual can process emotional data, not just their own, but the feelings of others as well. As such, this requires a degree of empathy, or at least cognitive empathy, which is not the ability to feel what another feels, but merely to recognize specific emotions.

Now, there are those who believe that emotion is unnecessary, that it stands in the way of logic. But if humankind did not need them, then evolution would have done away with it generations before the advent of homo sapiens. Take for example the parent and the child, most parents will instantly develop a strong attachment to their child, and this is because the child needs to survive. Without this bond that humans call love, people would not protect or provide for their children, meaning humanity would have gone extinct well before it learned to manipulate fire.

The first part of EQI is the intrapersonal. This relates to all about how well a person deals with their own emotions. This covers this like expressing feelings, and knowing what feeling is being felt at a given time, as well as the root cause of the feeling.

The next is the interpersonal. This relates to how well a person plays with others. Given that human beings are social animals who live in a collaborative society, this is particularly important. No one can get by in life completely on their own, so learning how to socialize is absolutely needed. Even the most introverted among humankind are going to need some degree of social skill.

Then there is the part that deals with stress management. First of all, it needs to be said that life is almost never smooth. Things can get rough. But there are ways to deal with things that can eat away at a mind, at happiness, and at the soul in general.

Then there is the part about adaptability Make no mistake about it, adaptability was an essential skill that allowed humans to flourish as well as they did. Without, the first hominids would have died off after a particularly bad winter, so being able to roll with the punches thrown by the universe is extremely important.

Now comes the part about general mood. This covers this like optimism. This asks the question as to how bright the outlook of a person is. This also extends to how happy somebody is in general.

Being alive means having to feel things. This means being hurt, falling in love, and longing. But the thing is, these cannot really be measured, but some believe they can be. But the thing about feelings is that they can be rater intense.

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