Finding Out Something Surprising About The Law Of Attraction

By Catherine Reed

For good reasons, humanity likes to believe that it exerts a measure of control over its surroundings. Now, this is because when the world was empty, man saw an opportunity, and then it built cities. But life is not always in control. A lot of the times, the universe can decide that it wants to take a dump on an individual, and then it will. That is the truth about life. It is control in the middle of the chaos. But for those who want to have a measure of control, they may need to discover something surprising about the Law of Attraction.

There are all kinds of beliefs in the world. One belief is that everything under the breadth of creation vibrates and does so constantly. Of course there is some evidence for this, as cells dying and regenerating does cause a small amount of vibration. Now this vibration is where the concept of good and bad vibes comes from.

The law of attraction is an invisible force. While there is no conclusive proof of its existence, there are those who believe in it. The believers state it is something that constantly affects the lives of everyday people, that no individual is left untouched by it.

The law of attraction is easy enough. Like attracts like. Putting positive vibes out in the universe will compel the universe to send similar vibes back.

Being positive will bring positive results. When a person wakes up in the morning in a bad mood, then that bad mood is going to have an effect on the rest of their day. They will be unmotivated, and their tasks will be more tedious and will be done much less effectively. However, waking up with some positivity can mean that a person will have more energy, more focus, and will be better at everything they do.

The way it works on people is very simple. People with positive outlooks on life are going to attract good things, good things will happen to them. This translates to a person being more secure in their position.

Now, it affects individuals in all kinds of ways, but mostly in mindset. Optimists are generally more secure in their sense of self and their own worth. This can lead them making power moves that may be seen as risky, but can pay off rather spectacularly. But a pessimist is not going to make the same moves, they are simply going to be paralyzed by fear. To take advantage of the law, there needs to be the right mindset. It is not enough to simply want something, a person has to be mentally ready to make it happen. They need to be ready for when it does happen, to strike when the iron heats up.

A boxer is a real world example. Boxers practice their craft constantly. Come the night of the fight, all that can just go by the wayside as they can get inside their own heads with fear. They become so worried about being knocked out with a hook that they forget to defend against the body shot the ruptures their liver and nets their opponent a victory by technical knockout.

Being open to possibility is not a magic bullet to success. But it is a round in the chamber. Positivity will allow an individual to see what could be made, what could happen.

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