The Various Christian Churches Henderson NV

By Andrew Wallace

Human beings are by nature religious. The sense of religion is ingrained in the DNA of every human being out there. It is only that some people usually choose to ignore this important part of their wellbeing. Religion is as old as time. Archaeologists have managed to unearth many ancient religious sites. Christianity is a religion that has shaped human civilization in a big way. It had humble beginnings in Jerusalem, Israel. The first church only had a few followers. Presently, there are over two billion Christians in the world. Some of them belong to Christian churches Henderson NV.

Christianity just like many religions out there is denominational. In Islam, there are two major denominations. They are Shiite and Sunni Islam. In Christianity, the denominations include Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox Christianity. It is important to remember that a Christian believer does not have to be denominational. As a matter of fact, there are very many non-denominational churches on planet earth.

Catholicism occupies a special place in the world of Christianity. The history of Christianity is synonymous with the history of Catholicism. Christianity started in Jerusalem, Israel. It is the Apostle Paul who took Christianity to the Roman Empire from where the Emperor Constantine was converted. Later, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Emperor and that is how the Roman Catholic Church started.

As a matter of fact, Catholicism has a rich history that spans for thousands of years. Catholicism will not end in the foreseeable future. Actually, the Catholic Church will continue existing till the end of the ages. Many Popes have come and gone but Catholicism still remains. The Pope is the senior most spiritual leader in Catholicism. Below him, there is a team of cardinals.

There is also the Baptist Church. This is part of Protestantism. At first, there was only the Catholic Church. After some time, the Great Reformation took place because many people had grievances against Catholicism. That led to the formation of a number of Protestant churches including the Lutheran Church as well as the Baptist Church of the United Kingdom.

The Baptist Church has its roots in United Kingdom. However, it became popular in America. The Southern Baptist Convention is the most popular Protestant church in America. Baptists have made the world to become a better place. That is the reality. It is the truth. As a matter of fact, Baptists have taken the gospel far and wide.

There are many churches in America that are ingenuously American. They include the Church of Latter Day Saints and well as the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). Adventism was started by an American woman who is considered as one of the greatest Americans of all time. The Adventist Church places a lot of emphasis on the day of the Sabbath.

Humans have to make decisions on a daily basis. Failure to make a decision is making a decision in itself. Life cannot be lived without decisions. It is decisions that shape the future of a person as well as the fate of a nation. Some decisions are life changing. The decision to be a born again Christian believer will change the life of a person for the better.

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