Learning How To Release Emotion

By Deborah Moore

Releasing emotion is a necessary part of life. One needs to be able to express oneself in order to say how they are feeling. It could be anger or fear, but to get to the next stage, one has to be vulnerable. Of course, this is never easy when you don't know how to release emotion and you have never been taught how to do this.

When you are angry, for example, you will tell someone how you feel. You would have got a great deal off your chest. It is no longer brewing up inside. Hopefully you would have come to a solution. You can now go on with your life. However, for a person who is angry about the same problem, they will not go about it in the same way. As a result, they will deal with this in other ways.

Often, they will turn to alcohol. This may be their way of dealing with their anger. However, other people will continue to simply carry a lot of these feelings around like a burden. They become heavy in doing so. It is a heavy weight to carry around with you. There may be people who find an outlet which can come in the form of a creative activity.

When anger begins to brew up inside of you, you will often bottle this up until it becomes so great, that you become depressed and suffer from various other forms of psychological disorders. It is not only the psychological issues, but it is also physical pain that can come up from time to time. People can struggle with headaches and stomach ache and back pain, for example.

One needs to look for the right type of therapist to be able to process these feelings. There may be practical aspects to the therapy which can be helpful. There are also methods that will help you to cope with aspects, such as when you struggle with psychological issues. These can come up as a result of repressing these feelings.

Of course, this can be a long process during therapy. It will obviously depend on the underlying issue. Some people struggle with something such as abuse. They may be suffering from PTSD. They may have been suffering from recent triggers which have led to flashbacks. There is obviously a lot to deal with.

People find that focusing on the moment and being distracted from past experiences can be very helpful. This will include meditation and mindfulness. There are apps available which help people to stay calm should they have a bad experience when out and about. This is a convenient way which makes you feel more confident in which you are going to get over the challenge.

Of course, therapy can be challenging. However, one also has to ask themselves whether they want to get to the next level where they are able to go through life learning to love themselves and others. Therapy can be hard work and when you make the effort, you will find that it can be extremely helpful, especially when you have a good relationship with the therapist.

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