Guidelines For Growing Braver In Entrepreneurship

By Jerry Lee

Bravery is the kind of confidence that one has from success and repeated failures. Brave entrepreneurs are not those who close doors to any idea but welcome it with open hands and considers venturing into it. Getting braver in entrepreneurship is a process since it allows one to make the necessary improvement in business. There are several ideas that one should consider to achieve such an expectation. Here are guidelines for growing braver in entrepreneurship to consider.

Make a list of your fears. You need to acknowledge your concerns to determine what you are dealing with. Most of the matters related to business include investment, change of product or venture, handling clients and other detailed aspects. The simple act of listing your fears will keep your brain kicking in and start to look for solutions that you can work with.

Start small. You need to get out of the comfort zone of your daily life to be courageous. Making small moves provides a sense of power that pushes the fear of rejection. They also abolish the perceived barriers that maintain you in your comfort zone. You need to take a more significant risk as time goes by to continue building your confidence.

Maintain fun when doing things. You do not have to do ordinary things to build your confidence. In a real sense, something that is not a hundred percent working means that it is not working to its full potential. Doing something fun can illuminate your creativity as well other than making the buildup process. Commit yourself in something fun such as studying about music bands that relate to your business and find motivation from their success story.

Tame your personality. Your personality can be your greatest setback or your weapon at the same time. Most people have cowered into their character failing to unlock their full potential. Working on your personality does not mean that you have to change into something new. You need to maintain your old self to remain authentic in everything you do. Clients and stakeholders tend to love a personality that comes out naturally and finds it easy to relate to.

Take risks. Playing safe in business does not bring any impact on your growth. The fact you are sojourning in a comfort zone rules out the attempt to try out something different. One cannot determine whether something is wrong or right if he or she continues doing something for quite a long time.

Re-think your risks. Studies have shown that there is a lot of cognitive biasness that interfere with the ability to assess risk. Therefore, people tend to overestimate the possibility of having something wrong more than the ability to handle the threat. The biasness lead people away from taking the risk. Therefore, being aware of the unconscious biases helps in making smarter risks other than safe ones.

Use your failures at your advantage. Failures that result from things that one tended to do but ended up to go against their expectations. Failures can be an excellent basis to motivate yourself into turning to a new leaf. You can meet such consideration by learning what went wrong and come up with reliable means to improve yourself.

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