A Historical Overview Of Tarot Card Readings

By Christopher Hill

While tarot cards first appeared in Italy in the mid-1400s, it is often believed that decks existed in ancient Egypt even earlier. In either case, the Italian decks which first appeared were 22 cards known as the Visconti Trumps, what is now called the Major Arcana. For, tarot card readings today are often performed with decks which feature the Major Arcana and four suits of cards known as the Minor Arcana.

Rumor has it that these cards were originally designed and created for Nobles. Whereas, it was centuries later in which the cards once again became popular. It was at this point and time when tarot cards were first used as tools of divination.

Later, the Trump cards became standardized in the second half of the fifteenth century in France. Before this standardization, those whom played with the Trumps could decide to include, exclude or substitute cards as needed. Whereas, the Devil, Death and Tower cards were often discarded as these were often offensive to Nobles.

It was not so much the meanings which have been tied to the cards imagery rather the titles which were offensive. In fact, there were times when religious leaders attempted to have these cards banished. It was a sermon by an Italian Franciscan Friar which caused the belief that the cards were inventions whom the devil named the Death, Tower and Devil, the latter being a self-titled namesake.

Even when only using the cards in game play, the Friar suggested that the devil was merely using the cards in an attempt to steal the souls of those whom played such games. As such, while the sermon condemned the use of the cards whether being used for games or other purposes, religious leaders failed to banish the cards which have since become popular with psychics and spiritualists around the globe.

The use of decks in divination, magic and witchcraft are attributed to Antoine Court de Gebelin in the late 1700s during what is considered a rebirth of tarot. For, de Gabelin believed the cards were of Egyptian origin and contained mystical knowledge. In addition, Antoine also believed the symbols were intentionally placed and included on various cards, especially the Trumps.

De Gebelin, at least in theory believed the cards were keys to the lost knowledge and wisdom of the Egyptians. It was much later when the Major Arcana began to evolve into decks revised and distributed by a number of secret societies that hopes of revealing this knowledge came to pass. Most likely, this led to modern decks which come with guidebooks which define the artwork and provide the meaning of each and every card.

In the beginning of tarot, regular playing cards were often used as a means of separating the suits. Whereas, later there were several decks which only used the Trumps or Major Arcana. Whereas, there are so many different creators and decks available now that it can often be difficult for readers to know which one to choose. While this is the case, as most readers believe cards should be a gift rather than purchased, the decision is often made by someone other than the reader.

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