Why You Need Emotional Intelligence Coaching

By Margaret Richardson

For an organization to grow, employees must deliver to the expectations. This means that they must try to fit into the vision and mission of the organization. This cannot happen sometimes because of emotions. No wonder, emotional intelligence coaching aims at aligning the emotions of an individual. When emotions are managed, the workers of an organization are able to do away with some behaviors that would affect their performance.

For starters, emotions are feelings and they are varied in nature. They include fear, anger, anticipation, surprise, disgust, joy, trust and even sadness. You can conclude that for activities to be well executed, all of these emotions must be well managed.

An organization may want to involve a skilled coach to work on the emotional intelligence of its workforce. This is recommended but individual initiative also works. Before reaching out for help, the organization may want to encourage its workforce to evaluate their own emotions and understand themselves first. The skilled support can help correct the defects on the emotions as discovered.

The process of understanding your own emotions has many advantages. For a task to complete to expectation, the worker needs to believe they can do the task to the expected level. This feeling will make them feel free to communicate upward and voice their thoughts. They would not close on their thoughts. Their ideas will be incorporated into strategies and this will even motivate them more. Whenever they are invited to meetings with their managers, the workers will be more at ease to express their ideas.

Fear is a killer in job performance. It is ranked among the deadliest and most powerful emotions. Yet, it is also normal to have fear. A person in fear always tends to freeze, hold back, hide or escape an assignment. Fear affects both the body and mind and one experiencing fear may be seen shaking.

There are many causes of such feelings. Someone would hold back or freeze from an assignment if they have failed on a similar task in the past. Someone is also likely to avoid a task they have never undertaken in the past. Still, one would avoid tasks simply because of panic or fear or unknown. When one is angry, they behave as pessimists. They see nothing positive from anyone or anything. This feeling also affects output at work.

Organizations can empower their employees to be in charge of their emotions. To have this power, the worker should know what their emotions are like. They need the knowledge. They can get this on their own with the help of a skilled therapist. Then, they also need to know what the other workers up and down feel like. This will help in building stronger relationships and better working environment.

The secret to success at work lies in the feelings of the employees. As a personal initiative, each individual must know how to control their feelings. Frequent praise and corrective feedback will help improve trust among members. The value of an organization improves when employees coach themselves and colleagues on managing their feelings for better output. Where output is good, individuals trust their abilities more and they remain motivated.

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