How The Rwanda Education System Came Into Existence

By Jennifer Butler

A total of 52 countries makes up a continent known as Africa. Most of these countries are struggling to liberate themselves from chains of postcolonialism by embracing change. Adopting culture from western countries has proven to be inevitable simply because modern standards keep popping up. To improve their statuses and remain relevant in the corporate arena, they have always emphasized on embracing technological advancement. It is clearly evident that Rwanda education system has continued to grow.

Sometime during the 1900s, education was majorly done by families and it was mainly informal. Children were taught how to tackle their enemies during the war, weave baskets, artwork and blacksmith skills. With time, formal education was introduced by 1960. The main beneficiaries of these programs were the Tutsis. They were privileged to attend the best schools in comparison to the Hutus. As a result, they started rebelling and this led to the eruption of civil war. Stakeholders had to go back to the drawing board to solve these problems.

As time went by, the system slowly embraced remarkable growth in matters related to access to better facilities. Consequently, it has recognized this sector as a critical investment for future development and growth of the country. It has come up with various instruments which deal in improving educational standards. It is responsible for the construction of classrooms, providing learning materials and planning which sets and evaluates standards according to performance.

Rwandese authority recognizes the impact of modern technology and it is doing everything in its power to stay updated. It has developed a national strategy for information and communication technology. Right from junior classes, it is emphasizing on using ICT to improve the sector. Each child is taught how to use a laptop as a way of improving their statuses.

In this country, each student must go through 6 years in primary school, 3 years in junior high, 3 years in senior high and 4 years in tertiary institutions. They are allowed to take courses in medicine, science, art, and law. They are mainly taught in English and Kinyarwanda as their main languages. French is also taught in primary schools as a supplementary language.

It is believed that a total of 44,000 students are admitted to universities each year. In these tertiary universities, students are offered the opportunity of learning science, law and art related courses as part of the career fulfillment. Their union of teachers has received full recognition from the government towards improving the welfare of teachers.

The country has managed to construct a total of 31 universities; 17 of which are public and 14 are private. Each university is fully equipped with resources to enable students to learn better. This measure has led to continuous growth since productive citizens are absorbed into the industry.

Rwandese citizens have gone through torturous experiences during the genocide. To revive its statuses, it has managed to work with foreign countries. As a result, it has managed to produce the most responsible citizens in the world. With efficient measures, it has managed to ensure more students are absorbed in the job sectors.

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