The Supreme Being Is More Than Human Imagination

By Pamela Gray

Lots of people don't believe in any kind of divine entity, while others do think that someone or something 'of a higher order' created this world. However, even those with a belief in a supreme being may not choose to define the concept as far as accepting 'it' as a person. Christians, in contrast, do have a God with a definite character, one who created all things for His pleasure, who has revealed Himself in His word, and who interacts with humans on a personal level.

Modern society seems to be determined to assert that there are many paths to a blissful afterlife. It makes sense to many that a sincere belief in almost anything should qualify as acceptable to God as well as to man. Christianity teaches that there is only one way to get to eternal life with God. Other religious belief systems may also feel that their truth is exclusive. There are many views of what a supernatural 'god' is like.

Some worship the creation rather than the creator. They may give thanks to 'mother nature' or pay homage to the sun or moon. They truly see no harm in expressing gratitude for the good things in their lives in any way they choose. Deists acknowledge the existence of 'god' but deny that divinity has definite form or personality. The Bible tells us that God's glory and nature are revealed in His creation, but warns that created things should not be objects of worship.

This belief system allows people to form their own view of God and their own morality. They may truly feel that mankind cannot know God and that every person's opinion has merit. They may also take this view because they do not want to be bound by any code of behavior, whether they realize this or not. Pride and independence of spirit lead many to deny the existence of a Deity who could and would reveal Himself to man.

Many who accept 'god' as more of a concept than a definable entity still have the sense of connection with a force that can benefit them, protect them, or grant them favor. Christians, who believe that they are made in God's image although they are flesh and He is spirit, also know that through Jesus they can become children of God and enter into a loving familial relationship.

In the Bible, God has both feminine and masculine characteristics. He is portrayed as God Almighty and the everlasting father, a mighty spirit who talks to men and women. Those who want to see Him as a black woman, for instance, must depart from scripture to do so. Different religions offer different pictures of divinity.

Christians 'know that they know' after accepting Jesus as their personal savior. They treasure the relationship with their creator and give up everything to preserve it if they are truly 'saved'. They acknowledge their sinful nature and strive to live holy lives, which is only possible by the power of the Holy Spirit and careful self-analysis and self-control.

The Bible is mankind's oldest and best documented spiritual book. Jesus is well established as a historical figure, and even His miracles and virgin birth are unquestioned by numerous ancient historians. People today can have an intimate relationship with a God of love and power, if they allow Him to reveal Himself as He chooses to do.

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