Trials Facing Rwanda Education System

By Scott Meyer

Some essential factors determine development in a country. One of the critical elements that trigger growth in a nation is education. If the schooling system is taken with also seriousness, it becomes quite more comfortable to realize the development. Rwanda is a country in Africa, and then there are some challenges facing education system in this nation. The following are some that are facing Rwanda Education System.

There is a high dropout out it at the primary level. Apparently, very few can manage to the secondary school which is a problem that needs to worry everyone. There is no you are going to expect great things in a nation if the trend in the instructive sector is weak. That is why the government needs to do everything possible within their means to ensure every kid is accessing education.

The teaching profession in a country is also wanting. The teachers are not getting any changes to their knowledge. Due to that, the children are not benefiting in any way because the teachers are using ancient methods to teach the kids. Apparently, the teachers are supposed to take refresher courses to update their knowledge in the instructive sector.

The funds directed to the instructive sector are also limited. They can sustain all the needs of the children. So many aspects of the system rely on the money coming from the government, and the government is channeling very minimal funds to the teaching curriculum. When the money is not enough, the government needs to come with ways getting more money to be used in the curriculum.

Additionally, the country lacks enough personnel to work in this particular sector. Science and technology are critical to enhancing innovation. However, science teachers are not enough. Coming up with changes becomes a little more difficult. Due to this challenge, it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that teachers are recruited.

Over the past year, the nation has been using French as a media of instruction. However, circumstances have forced the nation to adopt English. It is because English is the most common language in the East African economic block. Use of English can foster the relationship between this country and other East African countries. However, there is a challenge of transition from French to English.

Just like any other place in the world, there are children with disability in a country. Such children need to be given extra care since there conditions are demanding. Nevertheless, there are inadequate provisions of particular need teaching in this country. The facilities offered these kids are not enough. Also; the training is still not adequate. The nation should not underestimate the potential of the children with disabilities.

Finally, lack of enough facilities to measure the instructive progress is another challenge. Every person would like to know how they work progressing. Having a system that checks into how the work is improving is a great thing. It should also happen in the schooling sector to determine how the whole system is helping the economy. The measurement system is lacking in the Rwanda that is a great shortcoming.

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