Why Teens Need To Join Alcohol And Drug Classes Grand Rapids

By Matthew Wallace

Every stage in life has its challenges. However, one of the most delicate stages in life is the teenage stage. This is because this is the age of discovery and self realization. Many parents are usually stressed when their children are at the teenage age. In most cases, teenagers feel that they are of age and that they know more than even their parents can help them know. They start contemplating taking beer and using drugs since they feel that they are of age. Teenage Alcohol and drug classes Grand Rapids can help teenagers learn the effects of using drugs and beer at this age.

The fact is that no teen wakes up one morning and begins using beer and drugs. It is a process that takes long depending on the environment the teen is exposed to. For instance, if your teen is near people of his or her age who use these substances, it is easy for him or her to start using due to peer pressure. This is because teens have the desire to be accepted by their peers.

Also, some confess that taking beer and drugs makes them feel they are grown. They feel that they are of age since they are doing things that adult do. They do not realize that they are still young and vulnerable. They only realize so when they are in trouble where they will need help of adults. The fact is that taking these substances do not in any way means that a teen is now mature.

It is also some parents faults that their kids are addicts to drugs and beer. For instance, even if parents are addicts to beer, they should never take beer at home while their kids are watching. This is because the kids will definitely want to know the feeling behind being tipsy. Also, parents should not buy substances to take at home as their kids will definitely want to try out.

Curiosity is also another thing that attracts teens to substances. They wonder how adults feel while drunk. They therefore want to have similar feeling as well. In most cases, many parents do not take time to follow up on their children during the day. They leave them at home to watch television, and keep themselves busy the way they know how. This is when the teens get the chance to try out some things.

Also, some teens are likely to be vulnerable to drugs and beer if they have undergone some emotional pain. Just like adults, they feel that these substances acts like medication to heal their wounded hearts. They feel that being drunk or high is a temporal way to relive pain and offers an escape gate.

The fact is that parents also need to check at their parenting. While it is alright to instill discipline in teens, it is not good to be very harsh. It is also wise to listen to kids as well and know their mind. Parents who are harsh risk bringing up rebellious children who are ready to do anything to prove a point.

The fact is that if trained, most teens can be able to escape some of these things that trigger them into using drugs and substances. This is why parents should advocate training early enough. After all, a stitch in time saves nine.

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