Ways To Tell If You Have Natural Shamanism

By Christopher Rogers

Shamanism exists even today as lots of people are unknowingly born shamans. The problem is that the current living standards and lifestyles have no role for shamans. It is based on this reason most shamans by birth never discover their inner talents and do not serve the role they are called to serve. In helping you discover if you are a shaman, these are the major signs of natural shamanism.

Shamans are extra sensitive to normal life issues. In their everyday life, shamans see, smell, hear, sense, and feel things other people cannot see, smell, hear, sense or even feel. That said, in case you face criticism from your friends and relatives because of your over-sensitivity to various life issues, it is likely you were born a shaman so visit a professional shaman to help you understand if you have shamanic powers.

Shamans dream of the unseen. They speak with their masters through vivid dreams. Most of their dreams are known to feature animal totems. As a result, when you discover that you are having dreams featuring animal totems, it is important you check yourself well to know if there is any way you link to the unseen realm.

Shamans possess amazing spiritual healing capabilities. These people have the power to discover treatments for diseases and conditions through visions. Natural shamans are able to heal people with their hands and communicate with people, animals, and inanimate objects telepathically.

Shamans are able to talk with nature and interpret the message being communicated by mountains, oceans, and rivers. Considering these people are born with the capabilities to enlighten people about nature means they can fit anywhere. Shamans are not affected by nature as they develop a feeling of comfort everywhere they go.

Shamans can passionately survive life-threatening situations. Many people cannot survive most of the hard situations these people go through. So, it is likely you were born a shaman if you have ever passed through a deadly ordeal which you never thought you would survive as that shows the unseen world was trying to convey a message.

Shamans are naturally kind and merciful. They usually a feeling that a spirit of erasing sufferings of others calling them whenever they see people suffering. They do not only feel this urge when they see animals suffering but also when they see other animals suffering. The urge to heal animals and humans come very strong and is usually irresistible so once the urge comes your way, you will find yourself unable to control it.

The gift of shamanism can be inherited. Based on the belief by most cultures, the chances of you becoming shaman if any of your ancestors was an herbalist or healer are extremely high. The problem is that such believes are no longer effective so it can be hard to discover when you have shamanic powers. The good news is that with the above mentioned signs, you can easily tell if you possess such powers or not. To be sure you are not confusing yourself to be a shaman; you may need to speak with experienced shamans. You may also need to read articles on websites that talk about shamanic powers.

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