As The End Of Time Draws Near There Arise A Need For Ministry Start Up Coaching And Consulting

By Robert Foster

In these 'modern times' when prophets are thin on the ground and even scarce in the Church, how do we know who is a real prophet and who may just be masquerading as a prophet? God gives a prophet time for preparation typically. John the Baptist had 30 years, as did Jesus Christ, whereas Paul had only around three. Have a look at the following article taking us through the theme Describing and defining the work and Prophetic ministry start up coaching and consulting.

I certainly do. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified and who is risen and ascended now lives forever and can be close to those who call upon Him. Over these past weeks and months, I have taken time to read and study parts of the book of Revelation, and I have not completed that study yet.

These are good signs because men of God are invariably reluctant to take up the task at the start, but the person has eventually won around to following Jesus Christ. Too many people, Jesus was a phony, but to as many, as received Him, He gave power. Some could not receive Paul's ministry, but when people accepted that he was sent by the risen living Jesus, they drew from him something of the life and love of God.

We who are on this earth, but who are not inhabitants of the planet, because we are taught to be inhabitants of Zion, and we who are beleaguered and surrounded by many foes and who are small in number, are reminded that this Lord God Almighty is indeed sovereign. He controls earth and sea. This is the hour of mercy and forgiveness and love and peace, but time is running out.

In these final moments of time, do you know what God is going to do? Revelation tells us! God is going to raise up preachers, and preachers who will be prophetic. He will have a band of prophetic preachers or a community of prophets. Prophets do not just teach the Word and expound the Scriptures, but they give a direct word from God.

John hears God's Word to him, and it is quite simple and clear. "Take the book, " so I went and took the book, and the angel said, "Eat it, " and when he took it and ate it, it was as sweet as honey in his mouth, but when he digested it, it became sour and bitter. This book, the Bible, is both sweet and bitter. To some this word is sweet, and others can be wishing the whole service was over.

A prophet carries the burden of the living God. God gives him a weight, and that involves a massive responsibility as he takes the word of God. Prophets see something. Isaiah had a fantastic insight into what was happening in the nation of Israel and what was about to happen to the country of Israel, God's chosen people.

The word can be so sweet, and yet some grim consequences can be seen. What God is wanting is a prophetic people, who will speak out God's word, and live out God's word. As you eat this book, this will happen in your life. Now, the prophets were never very popular. Jesus reminds us that the religious people stoned the prophets.

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