How To Find A Found In Womens Spiritual Support Groups

By Gregory Scott

What is a support group? It differs based on one s religious affiliation and can be defined as determined amount of time that is spent trying to reconnect with one s spirituality as an individual and the time they have taken away from earthly and material things in order to feel closer to the deity in which they believe in. Womens spiritual support groups can take place for a few hours to even a predetermined amount of time such as a month.

There s a misconception that spritual retreats are all about prayer and repentance and it doesn t have to be the bottomline.

Does the retreat have to be in a Place of Worship? The answer to that question is subjective one. If, as an individual one feels that they need the support of the members they worship with, it is all the more better to have that support. If one feels however, that the experience of a retreat is one that needs to be done alone and therefore occupy themselves in a sanctum that they feel will make the retreat all that more purposeful, by all means they are free to do so.

The spiritual experience in itself is an opportunity to remove oneself from one s everyday environment and find themselves and of course, their spirituality. This may be met with some fear but that is normal what is important is to wade through it. The bottom line is that the purpose of a retreat is about personal growth.

As mentioned prior, meditation, yoga and different forms of martial arts are a good way to get spiritual but one method that is often overlooked and very easy is dancing. Dancing is not only good for one s health but their spirit because it pushes them to be honest with themselves and let loose from all the material ties that may be on their mind in order to perform and enjoy it to the fullest. Thus giving the form itself a chance to work as a means of help.

As contractionary or blasphemous as this may sound. The bottomline should be that one should embark on a group for themselves. Yes, the reasoning behind it could be to find a way to be closer to God or to strengthen their faith. But it should be a decision undertaken by an individual and not out of peer pressure or for sake of doing it. It s a personal experience and therefore, should be treated as such.

How does one know that they have been to a good retreat? More often than not it is the feeling of a sense of renewal within the individual, a new sense of strength within their belief and a strong divinity towards their faith. A sense of strength and trust towards their feelings while he/she communicates with their God.

A retreat can be done with a number of end goals in mind but what is important to keep note of is that it should be done for oneself. It should be done with the purpose of steering away from the clutter or to find a new lease on life from within.

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