The Experience Of Attending Olive Grove Baptist Church

By Timothy Mitchell

People learn what to believe in from a young age. This is by doing as those around them do. If their family members believe in God, then this may be the path they follow. If those close to them have no such beliefs, the person will have no solid belief system. Those who want to experience Olive Grove Baptist Church need to go through the following information.

Choose a preferable time to attend. Most services are held during the weekend. However, it is possible to find others scheduled during the week. Morning sessions start at about seven in the morning, and these are perfect for those who may have to go to work in the afternoon. There is usually a mid morning and afternoon session set up as well.

Consider the time you intend to spend in church. A regular service might take two or three hours. The length of time increases depending on the activities of that particular day. This includes the praise and worship sessions and presentations by members of a congregation. The preaching could also go on for quite a while. This is because pastors are known to get carried away when doing what they do best.

Be willing to learn. Having to stand during singing sessions can be awkward when one does not know a thing. One should try to have fun and just go with the flow. If people are clapping their hands and dancing, doing the same may be necessary. Some songs are catchy and easy to learn, and in no time, one will leave having known something.

Expect to interact with other members of this congregation. Pastors often ask individuals to greet those who are close to them and perhaps give them a word of encouragement. Some individuals walk from one end of the church to another just to say hi to others. This activity goes on for a few minutes, and it can be a great way to make new friends.

Feel at home. Visitors are often given a warm welcome. This is because they are appreciated, and the pastors would like them to keep coming back. They do not have to struggle to look for where to seat, as there is always a reservation for them. Leaders always ensure that they make time to speak to these individuals and help them where need be.

Ready yourself for communion. This is usually held on the first Sunday of every month. This may be a new experience for some. One can decide to simply watch and understand the process while others can decide to partake in it. Members who are not sure about communion can seek guidance from the leaders who are involved.

Give offering in the right way. A portion of the period of worship is usually allocated to collecting tithes. An offering basket may be provided for this. Ushers usually have envelopes that individual can place their money before inserting it in the basket. People should not be flashy with what they can give, as this is not expected of a Christian.

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