Discovering A Guided Meditation Course And Practice

By Barbara Clark

While there are many different ways in which to relax, one of the most common is to meditate. In doing so, it can be easy to locate and use an online Guided meditation course. In some cases, these courses are secular based while there are newer Christian offerings which are based in scripture.

Whether desiring to use a audio or video guide, these courses can often provide a great deal of assistance, especially for those new to the practice. In most cases, individuals using the guided courses often report being able to clear and calm the mind easier than others who meditate without assistance. While this is the case, there are also many whom have mastered the practice whom now practice by sitting in silence on a daily or weekly basis.

The most common form practiced in the Western world is that of Yogic meditation. As it is a form designed to help clear the mind and create a joyful attitude, it can be easy to do with or without audio or visual guides. In fact, most all practices use the same framework which is to relax, let go, eliminate negative thoughts and find peace. For, a mind can not be at peace when cluttered with desires and thoughts, whether positive or negative in nature.

As with other practices, the beginning phases of the practice often include stretching and relaxation techniques. After which, practitioners generally sit or lie down in a comfortable position. During the process, breathing and counting techniques are often used such as counting backwards from 100 to 1. While doing so, practitioners work to eliminate any thoughts.

One of the best and often lesser used places to meditate is that of a natural area such as a beach, forest or park. In this type of environment, the sounds of nature can often assist in eliminating negative thoughts. For, the sounds of nature can often be calming to body, mind and soul whether or not an individual is meditating. While this is the case, many individuals become natural meditators when visiting these areas and sitting and listening on a regular basis.

Whether in a forest, on a mountain summit or along an ocean shore, natural areas can often be some of the best areas to practice. For, while there are sounds of nature, these sounds can often help calm and clear the mind. As a result, it can often be easier to focus on letting go and relaxing in these areas better than others in which distractions, including outside noises which can often be present at home or work.

Individuals whom meditate on a regular basis often report having far less stress than others. In fact, the practice has been shown to lower blood pressure and alleviate stress. As a result, there have been some individuals whom after having began an ongoing regiment of meditation have been able to eliminate the need for prescription medication after having checked with a health care provider.

Meditation has been shown to benefit body, mind and spirit. Whether using a Christian or secular based course, the objective is still the same. For, the ultimate goal in any meditative practice is to calm and clear the mind. After which, it can be much easier to deal with every day tasks and difficult situations.

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