The Do's & Don'ts Of Budgeting Robert Jain Can Provide

By Jason McDonald

When someone creates a budget, he or she knows how much money they bring in and what they spend. This allows them to be more mindful when it comes to their funds, which is a practice that the likes of Robert Jain can recommend. Budgeting is a worthwhile practice to carry out, but there are a few ways to ensure that it's done well. For the uninitiated, here are some do's and don'ts that you would be wise to follow.

DO make use of spreadsheets. In the digital age we live in, recording your data in notebooks is a thing of the past. Instead, you should go on your computer so that you can track your expenses with spreadsheets. Not only will these keep your data organized, but you'll be able to pull them up from anywhere courtesy of the cloud. This is just one of many budgeting tips that names like Bobby Jain can offer.

DON'T immediately gravitate toward wants instead of needs. One of the biggest challenges of budgeting is deciding what's a need and what's a want. Office supplies like computers and notebook are often seen as needs. Luxuries like new cars and restaurant trips are regarded as wants. While it probably goes without saying, needs should be prioritized. By doing so, you will be able to save more money in the long term.

DO be prepared for the unexpected. What if you suffer some kind of medical emergency, like a broken leg? In this situation, you'll want to have an account to fall back on, which is where budgeting comes into play. With each paycheck, you should save a certain amount of money that will go into an emergency account. This will not be touched for general purposes. Only in emergencies like the aforementioned example should it be used.

DON'T budget without reviewing. Perhaps the best way to go about budgeting is by reviewing how much you've spent the month before. This will provide you with a clear understanding of where you are, from a financial standpoint. It will also help you make changes that will, in the future, help you save even more money. By keeping this information in mind, budgeting will prove to be an even more effortless endeavor.

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