What Is Sex Addiction Counseling Palm Springs Ca Is All About?

By Janine Hughes

Sex addiction is a situation where an individual becomes pre occupied with ideas and feelings that will eventually result to the desire of being intimate with their opposite sex. From many researches done, it was noticed that human beings at the age of 10-20 suffers from this condition. Luckily, just like any other addiction, this condition can be cured with the right therapy. For instance, sex addiction counseling palm springs ca where individuals undergo specific programs to rid themselves of this unhealthy habit.

There are professional and licensed sex counselors in Palm Springs ca where sick people could go to. The condition for addicts can worsen where due to desperation, they can go as far as molesting children or sleeping with animals. Frequent masturbation and watching porn sites is also common with such people. They do not take into consideration the consequences of having multiple partners like contacting HIV/AIDs or sexually transmitted diseases.

There are psychological, biological and social factors that give rise to or triggers sexual addiction. Example, literate people are known to be prone to this unhealthy habit because they are aware of the internet and how to use it. They can easily access porn sites and watch dirty videos online any time of day. Additionally, house wives can also be tempted to watch porn videos since they are always idle. Having a job is a good thing as the person will always be busy with little or no time to visit dirty websites.

Sexual addicts may be hard to spot since they mostly hide their problem to the close people around them. However, some symptoms can be noticed which will notify a family member or friend of this condition. Some of the symptoms may include:Having intimate relationship with many partners where some might be strangers. Fantasizing the entire day on women or men depending on the person in question. Paying prostitutes to have sex or even assaulting minors. Frequent lying and being absent in other aspects of life like work.

Treatment programs are present to help victims get rid of their problems. Some include:Cognitive behavioral treatment. It is a therapy session where the sex enthusiast is taught on the best way to control their sexual driving forces and comprehend changes in their body manners. This sort of help must be carried out by an expert and authorized specialists.

Drug prescription. Any addiction is associated with depression as a side effect. This can be cured by anti depressants which is administered the victim. Moreover, other medicines are given to the victim to help reduce the sex urge.

12 step programs. It is a program that works almost the same way as for those with alcohol or drug problem. Patients are taught to avoid destructive sexual behaviors but not to completely renounce sex in their lives as it is also a necessity.

There are after effects of the treatment programs like a relapse. This is a situation where the patient reverts back to their old behavior. It should not be a problem to family members of the victim as it happens during recovery process. Patience should be the drive factor of the family members.

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