Steps In Finding Happiness Through Gratitude

By Janine Hughes

According to ancestors of the world, it is healthy for one to be thankful for others in order to have a better life. They say that positive energy begets positive energy which is why if one is always positive about his life, he will be much happier with himself. Of course the best way to gain a lot of positive energy would be in finding happiness through gratitude because the more one is thankful, the happier he is.

Now in psychology, many studies have proven that those who were more grateful about what they have actually had higher levels of happy hormones. They were more enthusiastic, optimistic, and were just happier in general. As compared to those who were not grateful for what they had, these people were actually more pessimistic and had a higher tendency of going into depression or into anxiety attacks.

Now in order to become thankful for everything, one has to first stop taking even the most simple things for granted in his life. Whether this may be food, money, loved ones, or family, one should always count his blessings. So in order to stop this, one has to think about how lucky he actually is for the good things that are around him and helping him cope with his life.

Now a very good exercise that one can try would be to imagine not having all the important things that are in his life like his shelter or all of his spare money. Slowly, he should then imagine losing more important things to him like his sight or any of his body parts. If he does this, he can actually realize that his life is not so bad and that he should have a lot to be thankful for.

Now another thing that he can do would be to keep a journal where he can write all of the things he is grateful. This is a great way to count blessings if one is busy all the time because it will help him have a reference so that he will never forget all he is thankful for. With this journal, he will be able to still keep his attitude and be able to be more optimistic with his life.

Of course while one is building up the positive, he should also take out the negative. He can do this by consciously avoiding complaining about life and gossiping about other people. The more he does this, the less he will feel grateful about his life and will eventually just be more resentful of the other people that are around him.

Of course the very last thing that one has to do would be to be contented. In order to be contented, one has to first decide to live a simple life. If one keeps on wanting and wanting things, the wants will never end and one will never be able to be happy. So if one becomes more contented with what he has, then he will have no more problems.

So basically, those are some of the things that one can do in order to become happier in life. Being thankful is actually one of the recipes for happiness. So count blessings everyday and experience bliss.

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