Steps In Doing An Aura Energy Reading

By Janine Hughes

There are a lot of things that may cause wonders to most people. Usually, they consider these things as magic and supernatural things. Other people claim that they have the gifts to foresee the future and other situations.

Some people are having unnatural gifts, indeed. However, an enthusiast could be learning one with an open mind. If he wants to be analyzing chakras, he could be following these steps in performing an aura energy reading. He could be seeing this aura as a layer of varying hues.

The locations where these activities will be performed should be considered by the practitioners. They should ensure that the locations are quiet so that these activities can be concentrated on. The appropriate backgrounds should be found and used. For beginners, white backgrounds are needed so that the different colors can be clearly seen.

They should also make sure that they will have proper lighting on these places. The lighting should not be too dark nor too bright. Some people utilize natural sunlight to do these things. Others will also place lighted candles inside shady rooms for this undertaking.

The practitioner should also see to it that he will be having a proper position for this event. If he reads his own self, he should be placing his palm above a white background in a position he is comfortable with. If he reads another person like a family member or friend, he should be asking him the position he is comfortable with, too. He does not need to be staying still. He could be reading a book or having a drink. However, he should not be wearing a patterned or colorful attire.

Breathing exercises should be performed first by the enthusiasts before these engagements will be started. This way, they could be relaxed. Their eyes should also be relaxed when their subjects will be gazed at. After several moments, different colors can be seen on the outlines of the subjects. The colors might be light blue or white.

They should determine the visible colors that they will see on their subjects. These colors may be clear or not. Aside from that, they should also check how many colors are there. Beginners will typically see one dominant color but advanced ones will typically see multiple hues. They should disregard after images or those that appear only for short periods of time.

The individual will not be automatically achieving the results he wants. He needs to be practicing a lot for him to be deepening his ability in this venture. He should also be practicing patience since he could be taking some time in developing his ability. He could also be taking some time in steadying his focus on a subject.

Lots of shades and colors will certainly be encountered by the practitioners during the events. Different meanings are possessed by these shades and colors. Guides that could aid them in the interpretation of the meanings of the shades and colors should be obtained by these people, especially those beginners. After some time, these meanings could be interpreted without the help of guides.

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