After Marriage Counseling Newport Beach Couples Can Start Anew

By Jose Mitchell

The divorce rate has gone through the roof. Statistics show that couples often opt for divorce before even considering some form of therapy to salvage their relationship. The sad fact is that it is often the children in such marriages that suffer the most. When marriages break down, it is not just the immediate members of the affected family that suffer. But, with professional marriage counseling Newport Beach families can resolve their issues.

Professional therapists agree that far too many marriages fail due to relatively minor issues. This is so because the couple do not communicate with each other. They allow small issues to fester and to become giant problems that suddenly erupt into a major crisis and result in a divorce. In such circumstances, both partners are often hostile and they act in an emotional manner, rendering themselves incapable of addressing their problems.

Even therapists agree that not all marriages can or even should be saved. If one partner abuses substances or succumb to physical, mental and sexual abuse and refuse to admit the problem or to seek help, then it is better to end the relationship. Staying is such marriages just cause more and more damage, especially to the children.

A family in turmoil and conflict is not equipped to deal with and resolve their own issues. They will be well advised to rather seek professional help. When there is children involved, they also need to be part of the process. They may think that all the trouble is their fault, and therapy can help them to understand that they are not the cause of the problems between their parents.

It is important to choose a therapist with which both parties are happy and comfortable. The best course of action is to select someone that do not move in the same social circles as either partner. Once agreeing to therapy, the couple should understand that therapists are not miracle workers. It takes time and a real commitment to rekindle the spark of a troubled union. However, the end result will most certainly be worth the effort.

Many couples think that the therapist will hand them a recipe that will solve all their problems. This is not the case. The role of the therapist is to help the couple to communicate properly, to become willing to compromise and to try and see things from the perspective of the other partner. Therapists also help couples to identify the real problems that affect their relationship.

Apart from being time consuming, therapy requires hard work and a total commitment from each partner. They must have a true desire to salvage their relationship. In order to do so, they need to become willing to listen, to compromise and to see things from different angles. It is also important to be honest during therapy, otherwise the real problems will never be aired and dealt with.

When two people marry they love each other and they want to spend the rest of their lives with each other. It must be worth a considerable effort to make sure that such a union lasts for a long time. If things go wrong, as they most certainly will, professional help can be of immense value.

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