Understanding The Universe In Linda Goodman Astrology

By Debra Hamilton

The birth of one of the most popular American astrological systems was on April 9, 1925 in Morgantown, Kentucky. This coincides with the date and place of birth for Mary Alice Kemery, who later became a famous poet and astrologer. Her book on Sun Signs, published in 1968, became the first astrology book to ever place in the New York Times Bestseller List.

The romance with fortune telling and other means of divination is as old as humanity. Predicting the future or fate with the help stars is called astrology. This continues to be quite popular with many, you need only look inside the papers for horoscopes, the most popular of which are based on Mary Alice Kemery aka Linda Goodman astrology. It is a system that has a widespread audience in America, with many websites, groups and organizations, publications and even schools dedicated to it.

For many, life will not be the same without horoscopes. Religions are so set in their ways of worship and conduct as to restrict the freedom of imagination. Astrology gives meaning and purpose to life in a way that sets the mind free. What Linda Goodman created is the know very popular system that is at once free and creative for everyday people.

Many followers will bear witness that Sun Signs have their place in reality. Its author was a great student of the stars and universal systems made up of them. She did not believe in what humans have supposedly discovered about time because what she saw in the heavens were communications infinite in time and place.

In her lifetime, Lady Linda, as one friend christened her, was always in constant search for universal connections. She found it in the details of her life in conjunction with that of other people. It can be said that she led a star struck life, one that opened up to many people through an easily understood, detailed system of universal star signs that rule over human fate.

Fame and fortune followed the astrologer probably because she was conscious only of the signs that ruled her fate. The most vaunted intellects were often the ones most attracted to the Goodman method. Remember, also, that she was thought on the same level as they and made old supernatural symbols very relevant to modern living in a practical as well as charmingly believable way.

Those who seek to put down astrology will find that the system of signs and symbols strongly offer good proof of its existence. People will sheepishly admit to looking into horoscopes to see how the day will be for them. The true believers are too numerous and it is a group composed of many professionals, respectable citizens and experts who are on the mainstream.

It is a fringe whose popularity has spread on a global scale that is amazing in a world that has supposedly woken up from its infatuation with the supernatural. In the end, the star guru never wanted people debating heatedly over points of belief or disbelief. Rather, she would have everyone try to open their hearts to the heavens.

The heavens is home to super beings. If you ask a scientist who has recorded data about the stars, he will not be able to tell about their life as thinking or creative beings. Linda Goodman found a way for them to be acknowledged as such.

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