Methods For Creating Alcohol Ink Tiles

By Joshua Reynolds

Creatively inclined people have a lot of varied mediums from which to choose to explore their artistic visions. Every product will have a particular group of characteristics and be suited to certain surfaces. One project those who enjoy the look of marbling or the use of multiple tones to create a background, might find making alcohol ink tiles to be fun.

What makes this medium stand out from others of similar type is that it is acid free, has concentrated pigmentation, dries quickly, and is very forgiving. The colors are really vibrant, yet easily diluted, which gives them a highly versatile nature, allowing them to be used in many ways. The product is intended for non-porous surfaces as it would tend to saturate a porous one and produce a faded or muted look.

To begin the project, one must first amass all the required materials and any embellishments they might wish to add. Ceramic pieces will be the working surface, and they come in many varied sizes and shapes, both in matte or gloss finish. The choice of the which specific items to purchase is entirely up to the artist as the techniques can be adapted to virtually any format and circumstances.

Inks can be purchase either singly, or in packs of three colors that are coordinated to work together effectively. Other products one might want to have on hand to enhance versatility are a blending solutions, pigmentation to customize hues, metallic additives to add luminosity or a polished effect. Stamp pad applicators, refillable markers, gloves, straws, canned air, felt, and clear coat sealer, are also needed to complete the project.

Technique number one is applying a couple drops of the colors one has chosen, to the piece of felt that has been added to the bottom of a stamp applicator. This is then tapped against the ceramic surface repeatedly and with varied pressure, to get the coverage and patterning desired. Although by its nature, felt tends to leave loose strands in the liquid, they can be removed easily after the medium has had adequate drying time.

A second option is to apply the inks directly to the ceramic surfaces in order to control how much color is used and exactly where it is placed. The splotches could then be mixed or blended using a gloved hand or finger, compressed air, straws, or the felt pad. Dropping a bit of blending solution will cause a beautiful dispersal pattern by diluting certain areas.

Another choice is to drop some of the medium into water that is placed inside of a wide container. The colors float, and when the artist submerges their tile into the liquid, it will collect the inks on its surface. This produces a beautiful marbling that one may opt to either leave in its natural state or use the tools to alter it.

The look of technique can be altered to preference by either dabbing it with the felt stamper, blowing on it with either straws of varied widths or compressed air, using the markers to add detail, or applying blending solution for dilution. This is a very forgiving medium that can be wiped off and reapplied as desired. To protect one's work from damage and possible fading, add about three thin coats of a quality clear sealer.

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