Your Greatest Competition

By Evan Sanders

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

Don't ever contend with others, who you used to be a week back, yesterday, or perhaps a minute ago. Don't compete with yourself in this moment. No, compete with your potential. Compete with the ghost of the person you just might become. Because if you enter into the arena looking to take on that, you'll become far larger than anything you may have ever dreamed of.

Each day, bring your capability to decide to the table. You may not wake up feeling great, you just might be struck by adversity and land flat on your back, but make the decision to stand back up, wipe the dust out of your eyes and get back to contesting with the person you know you might become.

Who is that potential person?

That's only an answer that you can actually give yourself. But what I can tell you is that your potential is merely a bit better than you at everything in life. They run a lot faster than you, they work harder than you, they lift more, they speak to more guys or girls, they make a room burst with laugher and anything else you are able to imagine. The thing is you shouldn't be intimidated by this. Sure, you may never essentially reach those times where you exceed your potential in competition. That's not the point. The point is seeing what you are really capable of and then growing into that person.

If you can dream up and contend with your potential, you can see the future of what's possible for yourself. That, more than anything, is worth its weight in all the fine jewels worldwide.

So dream a little and see what you are able to do.

It could absolutely change your life.

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